Fenglin Wharf

With Da Bai's assistance, the group smoothly located Xu Youchang's head, interestingly buried on the opposite riverbank amidst aquatic plants, symmetrically placed in relation to the first head found.

With both victims and murder weapons discovered, the challenge now was the absence of any clues pointing directly to the perpetrator.

In the mortuary, Chu Qingzhi carefully reattached the victims' heads to their bodies, then asked Chu Xujin to examine them for any new clues that might have been overlooked. Sometimes, a fresh pair of eyes could bring new insights.


Chu Qingzhi stepped aside, examining the murder weapons in detail.

The rope retrieved from the river was indeed hemp, matching the marks found on the victims' necks. Even if these specific ropes weren't the murder weapons, the actual weapon was of the same material.