The Attic – A Ghost Story Part 1

It was around 9:00 when I pulled into the driveway. I had worked a late at the office then hit the gym on the way home. My wife, my daughters, and I had spent much of the summer moving into our "new-old house", so now that September was here, I needed to get caught up on both work and my workout regimen.

I noticed that there were a half dozen heavy black contractor trash bags piled at the end of the driveway. The attic of the old house had been full of junk from the previous owners who had lived in the house for three generations. Some of the stuff might be sellable, but of a lot of it was trash. My twin daughters had volunteered to make the first pass through the attic if they got to keep anything they wanted. That seemed like a fair trade to me, and I was glad that they had followed through, as the bags by the curb indicated.

I grabbed my laptop case and my gym bag out of the car and headed inside. I could hear the voices of the twins, Callie and Mina, down the hall. I dropped my gym bag at the foot of the stairs, my laptop in the office, then headed down to the twins room.

The house was over 150 years old, and the master suite was at one end of the house off on its own while the bedrooms (and my office) were off on the other side of the house, forming sort of an "C" shape with the main living space in the middle wing, and an open patio courtyard between, leading to the backyard.

The twins' room was at the far end of the hallway in that wing, and their door was open. I stuck my head inside.

"Hi guys," I said. Callie and Mina, were sitting on their beds, bent over their college schoolwork.

"Hi Dad," Callie said, smiling up at me. She and her twin sister got up and they both gave me hugs.

"Looks like you guys were working in the attic today. Find anything good you want to keep?" I asked.

"We've found a bunch of cool old dresses we're keeping, and some old lingerie," Mina said. "They are a little big for us, but with some needlework we can make them fit. There was an old music box Callie wants, and a few other things. There are definitely some vintage clothes and some old tools that you can sell. There are a couple of crates of old vinyl we poached a few records from, and even some 45's you probably want to take a look at. We've taken what we want, so anything that's left up there is fair game. Oh, and we didn't drag that furniture out of the bedroom up there yet. I figured you'd want to look at it now that all the crap is off of it. It might be sellable. So, other than that, we're done with our part."

"Awesome," I said. "I appreciate you taking the initiative on that. Anything else exciting going on?" I have to admit I wanted to change the subject because it looked like Callie was about to get up and go to the closet to dig out the clothes they found. I knew if this turned into a fashion show I'd be here until midnight.

"Each professor seems to think they are the only one assigning homework…" Callie said, gesturing across the pile of books and papers strewn across her bed.

Mina nodded. "And wait until you see the bill for the books."

We chatted for a couple more minutes, then I said good night and started to make my way to my wife and mine's wing. I climbed the stairs to our bedroom, then paused at the top, glancing at the door to the attic. Curiosity got the better of me and I opened the door, flicked on the switch, and headed up.

The bare bulbs that lined the peak of the attic ceiling shed a harsh light in the late evening darkness. Spaces that had once held disarrayed piles of boxes, clothes, and trash were now neat and organized with different boxes labeled with the contents. The trash was gone and it even looked like the twins had swept the floor.

I walked the length of the house to the far end. The twins had been thorough, I had to admit it. The place was almost unrecognizable from what it had been that morning. I was impressed.

At the very end of the attic stood a doorway and a large bedroom. It was strange, and a little creepy in a way, that someone might have lived up here in the far end of the attic. I pushed the door open and flicked on the light.

The twins had pulled out all the clothing and boxes that had been in the room and added them to the neat collection in the main part of the attic. So all that stood in the now-bare room was a bureau with a mirror, a large roll-top desk, and an old four-poster bed with an ancient mattress.

A faint earthy fragrance lingered in the room, like a scented candle or a lady's cologne – sandalwood. I hadn't smelled anything like that in my earlier trips up to the attic. I sniffed the air trying to find the source. It wasn't coming from the desk or bureau. I knelt on the mattress and leaned down, sniffing the old fabric. If there was any sandalwood scent there, it was too faint to be the source of the odor in the room.


Now that the boxes and clothes were off the bed, I noticed that the mattress was amazingly soft. I sat down, then leaned back, laying on the bed. It was really nice. We could use this bedroom set in the guest room. I started up at the bare bulb hanging from the ceiling and thought about the work ahead. I had to sort through the stuff the twins had organized and decide what to do with it.

I sighed. I was tired. I should get up and go downstairs.

I closed my eyes. I would rest here for just a moment. Not sleep, just have a short rest.

A rest…

My eyes shot open. How long had I been asleep? I checked my phone. Only fifteen minutes. I better get up and go to bed before I ended up spending the night up here.

I stared up at the ceiling again. The room felt different somehow, but I couldn't put my finger on it. A faint draft wafted over my prone form. I glanced over at the window – it was shut tight. I added caulking to my to-do list. An old house like this probably had a million different cracks for drafts to wander in. Or mice...

Then the draft passed again, in the opposite direction, smelling of sandalwood and burnt matches.

What the hell?

Still lying down, I looked around the room. I noticed for the first time that beyond the doorway the rest of the attic was dark. Had someone turned off the lights? Had we blown a fuse? The draft passed again, chillier this time, but definitely smelling of sandalwood and sulfur.

Something out in the dark attic moved. Two somethings. Of course. This had to be a joke. The twins probably found some old perfume and were playing some kind of a weird game. Either that, or this was some kind of a bizarre dream. I dug a fingernail into my thumb. Ouch.

I closed my eyes, hoping the twins hadn't noticed I was awake.

I lay there for a moment, then the draft passed again, still carrying the sandalwood and sulfur fragrance. The sound of very soft footsteps crept into the room. I lay as still as possible, waiting until the girls got nice and close, ready to give them a scare.

They seemed to pause next to the bed, then a second later I felt the weight of a body laying down on one side of me, then another body on the other.

Now that was strange. If they were trying to spook me, why would they lay next to me?

There was a long pause. I could feel the indentations in the mattress on either side of me, and I could even hear faint breathing.

I lay there quietly, waiting for one of the twins to make a move. Seconds past, then a minute, then two. Nothing.

I felt a hand move to my thigh just below the lower edge of my khaki shorts. From the opposite side, a soft sandalwood-and-sulfur breath of air whispered in my ear. Another hand pressed against my stomach and slid up to my chest under my T-shirt. The hand on my legs slid up my thigh, pulling the shorts up my leg.

This was getting a little too weird. Whatever the twins were doing left me feeling uncomfortable. Time to put a stop to it. I opened my eyes.

There was nothing there. Just two indentations on the bed on either side of me.

All at once the indentations on the mattress disappeared. I went to leap from the bed, but something – hands - invisible hands – seized my arms, dragging me to the head of the bed. Ropes I couldn't see bound my hands to the posts of the bed, another pair held my ankles against the rear posts. I tried to cry out, but the second I opened my mouth, a cloth of some kind – again, invisible – was shoved into my mouth.

As soon as I was bound and gagged, silence descended on the room. There were no more indentations on the bed, but the fragrance of sandalwood and burnt sulfur lingered strongly in the air. I looked frantically around the room. There was nobody there that I could see, but I could feel two presences. I can't explain how I knew they were there, but I knew.

The burnt sandalwood scent got stronger, a faint reddish glow suffused the room, then suddenly I could see them. They flickered in like an old-fashioned neon light coming on. Then they were there.

They had long dark hair down almost to their waist. Their faces were murky, sort of there, sort of not, their features indistinct. From what I could make out I would say they were in their late twenties or early thirties. They looked like twins. Not my twin daughters, but other twins. They wore short green silk robes with a floral pattern that clung to their well-proportioned bodies.

They looked down at me.

I tried to say something that was a cross between "who are you" and "what the fuck", but with the cloth in my mouth – which was also now visible – what came out was a soft "mmf fmmm mmfffff".

I had never believed in ghosts, never seen anything that might pass as a ghost, never heard any unexplained voices or footsteps, never had any kind of an experience like this. It was entirely novel. My gut reaction was to try to run away, but unfortunately I was tied down by now-visible ropes.

The girl on my left knelt down on the bed next to me and leaned forward. She pressed her face next to the side of mine and gently blew in my ear. She smelled of sandalwood and burnt sulfur. I could feel her dark hair, soft and warm, against my cheek and neck. She pressed her cheek softly against mine, then slid her face down to my neck, kissing me beneath my ear. As she knelt beside me my eyes found (almost of their own accord) the widening gap in her robe, exposing more of her pale white cleavage. She pulled my T-shirt up and slid her fingers up my chest, pinching one of my nipples as she ran her tongue around my neck and back up to my cheek. Her robe pressed open wider and one of her breasts slipped completely free, revealing a hard, erect nipple at the top of a wide aureole.

Her sister slipped onto the bed and straddled my knees, running her hands up and down my thighs. As she spread her legs her robe gapped, revealing a dark bush covering thick lobes. She undid my belt and pulled my shorts and underwear down, exposing my cock.

I have to admit, despite having two gorgeous, ghostly women giving me all their attention, there was nothing about this whole affair that struck me as erotic. I was tied down against my will. I had a wife I loved and two grown college-aged daughters I also loved downstairs. What I was seeing and feeling was scientifically impossible. I wanted nothing to do with this and I was not aroused in the slightest. Probably there was some part of my inner manhood that was mortified by the fact that I was as soft as overcooked linguine – but on the face of it, the idea of me having my cock in some ghost chick's vagina was terrifying.

I struggled against the ropes that bound me, to no avail. They were secure. I looked down. The first girl had stripped and now had my T-shirt pulled all the way up to my neck. She was running her tongue across my chest, licking my nipples. The other girl still had her robe partly on, and she was bending over, her lips hovering above my shriveled meat.

The very, very last thing I wanted in that moment was to see those lips on my cock. Unfortunately, she cast off her robe, pressed her lips against the tip of my meat, and slowly sucked me inside of her mouth.

Despite being...well…a ghost, the inside of her mouth was soft and wet. And despite my terror, I felt a surge rocket through my body and the stirrings of an erection begin. At that moment, the first girl leaned down and pressed her breasts into my face, hovering her long nipples just an inch from my mouth. She slowly pulled the cloth from my mouth then pulled me towards her breast. I resisted – about the call out to my family for help - until her sister gave a hard suck on my cock and I felt a load of blood surge into my meat. The suddenly budding erection sent a fresh shot of hormones into my body. My brain tried to deny this was happening, but my arousal was starting to have other ideas. This had to be a dream, right? There was no way this was real. And if this was a dream, it was okay. I wasn't cheating. I couldn't get caught. It was just my mind playing games with me. I was, in reality, just laying on the bed in the attic room asleep, right?

Right. Of course.

I surrendered suddenly and totally.

A fresh surge shot through my body and my cock rocketed to full attention. I licked the pebbled aureole around the nipple in front of me, then sucked the hard tip into my mouth. She pressed her breast against my face and I sucked harder. A second later I felt a trickle of milk slide from her nipple into my mouth.

The second girl was now sliding her lips up and down the top couple of inches of my cock, teasing the sensitive spot under the helmet with her tongue, and riding her hand up and down the rest of the shaft, masturbating me. Then she pulled her hand away and began slipping her lips down the length of my meat. I moaned as the first girl pulled one milk-trickling breast away from my mouth and pushed the other in its place. As I latched onto the other nipple and sucked out a slug of milk, the second girl's lips reached the base of my cock and I felt my head slip down past her throat. She shook her head around my meat and I felt my balls begin to pull up close to my body.

My hard, purple cock was pulsating in the second girl's throat as she shook her head side to side, sending her long hair all over my thighs and stomach. She slowly slid her head back off my meat, then slid her hips forward, pressing her dark bush against my cock. A second later she slid her cunt down the shaft. I moaned as the first girl pulled her breast back and moved slightly forward, her pussy hovering above my face. I looked down. Her sister bent forward and began licking her cunt and ass even as she worked her own hips up and down my cock. She then slid two fingers from each hand into her sister's ass and pulled it open, driving her tongue inside.

The first girl arched her back as a thick streamer of grool slipped from her cunt down towards my face. I licked it up greedily, then lifted my head and licked her clit. Her sister pressed her lips hard against her asshole, pushing her tongue even deeper into her ass, while still bouncing her cunt up and down my meat. More juice flushed from her pussy into my face.

I'm not normally a fast-firing lover, but this was too much. Fear and arousal mixed together, my balls tightened. A second later I felt my seed erupt inside the second girl's cunt even as she ran her tongue in and out of her sister's asshole.

I moaned and leaned my head back, closing my eyes, letting the orgasm wash over me.

I hadn't had sex with any woman but my wife in over twenty years. We were a solid couple. But this was okay, right? This wasn't cheating, because it was a dream, right?
