The Attic – A Ghost Story Part 6

I had heard stories about alleged ghost encounters where, supposedly, the ghosts didn't know they were dead. I wondered if the Helmsworth twins knew.

"You know what those boxes are?" I asked, indicating the empty cremains boxes. They nodded.

"Do you know where your ashes are?"

They nodded.

"Can you tell me?"

They shook their heads.

I turned to Lila. "There appear to be certain questions these two are allowed to answer, and certain ones they aren't." Lorelei nodded.

"Do you know what happened to you?" I asked her.

They didn't answer. For a second, they flickered out and I thought they had left because I upset them. Then they flickered back in. I gasped.

Their faces and their chests were covered in blood. They both had bullet holes in the center of their foreheads.

I held up my hand. "I get it. I'm sorry I asked, but we really want to help." Dorothy nodded. They flickered out, and a second later they flickered back into existence as the two beautiful, voluptuous young women we had grown accustomed to in the past 24 hours.

"Are you allowed to tell me who did this to you?"

They shook their heads.

"Does the person who did this know where your ashes are?"

A nod.

"Does Angelina know who this person is?"

Dorothy sighed. Lorelei just looked at the ground. Damn the cosmic laws.

"Hmm," Mina said, speaking for the first time. "Maybe we need to nuance the questions a little." She turned to Lorelei and Dorothy. "If someone had lived in this town for generations, knew all the people, talked to everyone, was trusted by everyone...hypothetically, might a person like that know who did this?"

A broad smile broke out across the faces of the Helmsworth twins. It was radiant. I hadn't seen them smile like that before. I realized they weren't just sexy, they were classic beauties. They both nodded.

"Leave it to this group to find loopholes in cosmic laws," my wife said with an admiring smile.

"Are you tied to the attic?" Mina asked. Dorothy held up two fingers.

"You're tied to two things?" There was a nod.

"Can you tell us what?"

A shake of the head.

Mina pointed to a pair of manacles on the wall.

"Are you tied to these?" she asked. The Helmsworth twins laughed, then shook their heads. Then Mina pointed to a dildo sitting on a shelf. Dorothy and Lorelei shook their heads and looked at her like she was an idiot.

"What about the bed in your room?" Mina asked.

The Helmsworth twins froze.

Score. Damn, I raised clever daughters.

"One down," I said. "What could the other thing be?"

We sat in silence for a moment, lost in thought. Then suddenly Callie jumped up.

"I can play this game, too," she said.

She pointed to a massage table. "Are you tied to this?" she asked. Dorothy and Lorelei shook their heads, but watched carefully.

Callie pointed to the wooden rack that my wife had been tied to.

"Do you haunt that?" Again, a shake of the head.

Callie gave a a big smile, then pointed to the box with the guns.

"Are you tied to your weapons?"

Lorelei and Dorothy sat stock still.

Like I said, I raised clever daughters.

"It logically followed," Callie said. "They showed up tonight when Mina and I touched the Remingtons. If twins touch their pistols, they show up. Anywhere."

Another radiant smile broke out across the faces of the Helmsworth twins.

I smiled too. "Tomorrow I'm going to invite Angelina for a little visit, and Dorothy and Lorelei need to bring their scary faces."

We spent much of the next hour working out a plan. Then while Callie retired to her darkroom with the camera we found, I made a couple of adjustments to the equipment in the little bondage playroom to fit with our plans.

Callie returned awhile later with a twenty photos of a New Years Eve Y2K party taking place at a house on the outskirts of town. Lots of people we recognized from town were there – their younger versions – including the Helmsworth twins. Angelina showed up in a few photos, as well as Mr. Dover. In one pic, Mr. Dover even had his arm around Angelina's waist. It was kind of creepy.

The last picture in the roll was taken as folks were leaving. There were cars lined up in a row to head out, nose-to-tail. The picture looked like it was shot out the passenger side of a car – presumably the Helmsworth twins' car. It showed the car immediately behind them, and behind the steering wheel was Angelina.

"She left the party right behind them," I said, shaking my head, angry all over again. "That bitch has some explaining to do."

Lila looked closely at the picture.

"The pickup truck behind Angelina, I've seen that truck somewhere around town," she said.

"It's been over twenty years since that pic was taken," Mina said. "Would it be even recognizable?"

"Maybe…" Lila trailed off, absently rubbing her cheek as she tried to remember.

The next morning I called Angelina. I made it a point to sound nervous, and asked if she could come by the house. I said my wife and daughters were away visiting their mother and I might want to take advantage of her offer of help with the stuff in the attic. Maybe she could come over and we could look through it...together.

And I told her to dress light because the attic was warm.

She swallowed the bait.

I went shirtless and did a few push-ups in the attic before she came, giving me a flushed look and thin sheen of perspiration on my muscles when I answered the door.

Angelina was wearing a white spaghetti tank that I could clearly see her wide aureoles through, and a pair of thin, light yellow yoga shorts that outlined her slit perfectly. Her outfit managed to contain her curves, but not without an effort.

I opened the door and she came in, giving me a big hug. She pressed her chest and hips against me. I could feel her hard nipples at the end of her big, soft tits through the fabric of her top. I let myself come partially erect so she could feel my steel against her hips.

When we finally separated, I made a motion towards the attic.

"Let's go take a look at what we have up there," I said. "We've found some things since we talked yesterday, so I hope you can help me out."

"I'll help you however I can," Angelina said, touching my arm lightly with her fingertips and following me up to the attic.

"Wow, you really have done some cleaning up here," Angelina said. "This is great. What did you want my help with?"

"Actually, what I needed your assistance with is over here," I said, guiding her towards the twin's room. The door was closed, and I pulled it open, giving her a view of the black brick wall and the heavy black door that stood open.

"This is...interesting…" she said, hesitantly approaching the black door.

"Have you ever seen this wall or door before?" I asked.

"No," she said. "Like I said, I'd never been up here until the house came on the market."

She was hovering outside the black door. I reached around her and flicked on the light.

"Wow," she said, looking around. "This is amazing, what a setup."

"Yeah," I said. "It looks like the twins had quite the party room up here. I wonder what this stuff would sell for."

"It looks pretty clean. I bet there's a market for it somewhere online," Angelina said.

"Oh, and there's some clothing too."

I had left out a leather corset and a pair of thigh-high boots sitting on one of the massage tables. I held them up. Angelina came and stood beside me, running her hand down the leather, while at the same time, pressing her hips against mine.

"I thought of you when I saw it," I said softly, looking down at her, smiling. "I'd love to see you try it on."

Angelina smiled. "I'd love to try it on for you," she said.

She smoothly peeled off her tank, letting her thick tits free, exposing her wide aureoles and aroused nipples. She held my gaze as she ran her hands lightly across her chest, then slid her fingers into the waistband of her shorts and pushed them to the ground. Her pussy was completely shaven, with small, moist lobes coming to a point at her clit that was erect and poking out. A dribble of juice slipped to the end of the nub and hung there for a moment before dropping to the floor.

She wrapped the corset around her midsection and I helped her with the clasps, then she sat down on the couch and pulled the thigh-high leather boots on. When she stood, I have to admit, she looked hot. It was too bad she was protecting a murderer.

She slipped up to me, her pendulous tits and thick thighs quivering as she walked. She pressed her bare chest against mine and ran a hand up my cock that was pressing against the front of my shorts. She offered her lips to mine, and I leaned down and kissed her.

"Since we're here, any of these devices we want to try out before you sell them?" she murmured.

"Yeah," I said. "It's too bad my wife isn't into this sort of thing." I moved to the rack-like device. "Do you know how this works?"

She moved to the rack and stepped onto it.

"I think one hand goes here, one hand goes here, and your legs go here and here," she slipped her hands and feet into place. I buckled her into place.

"Like that?" I asked.

"That's perfect, lover, make them nice and tight so I can't get away. I'm now at your mercy, baby. You can do anything you want to me, I'm helpless."

A thick stream of grool was sliding down the inside of her thighs.

I squeezed her tits and pressed my lips against her wide nipples, licking the aureoles and nipping at the hard tips. She moaned.

"Fuck me, baby," she murmured. "You know you want this, you know I want this. Take me, please."

I switched the levers on the rack so she moved around and was now bent over, her ass in the air.

"Oh yeah," she murmured. "Do it, please. Take my ass if you want. Whatever, lover, just fuck me."

I pushed my shorts to the ground and stroked my cock, bringing it all the way to attention. I ran the head up and down her soaked slit and her puckered asshole, but didn't push it in.

"You know," I said. "Back in the middle ages, they used these as torture and interrogation devices."

"Do you want to interrogate me, baby?" she purred.

I put a photo of her on the same rack back in the late 90s in front of her.

"Yeah, I would. I thought you had never been in this attic until the house came on the market. What's this picture all about?"

Angelina swore and started to pull at the manacles, reaching for the safety releases and finding them disabled.

"Sorry, sexy," I said as she struggled. "I made a couple of unauthorized modifications to this little toy here. The quick release clips don't work anymore, and we forgot to set a safe word. Damn."

The realization that she had been played slithered across her face, rage taking the place of arousal.

"Fuck you, you bastard," she cursed, struggling. "When I get free I'm calling the police and you're going to be in so much trouble. I've got this town in the palm of my hand, you've fucked over the wrong chick."

"Not as much trouble as you are, babe. I think accessory to murder is a much heavier charge. It's even heavier than the penalty for doing 'unnatural things'."

She stopped struggling and looked up at me, her face suddenly pale.

"We're going to play a game," I said.

I whistled and a second later Lila, Mina, and Callie sauntered in. They were wearing various outfits from the other wing of the attic. They came and stood next to me. I sat down on the couch and my twin daughters knelt down in front of me. Callie wrapped her lips around my hard meat as the twins began tag teaming my cock.

"Is this what you meant by 'unnatural things'?" I asked, patting Mina and Callie on the head as Callie sloppily sucked down her father's shaft all the way to the base.

"People like you go to hell," Angelina spat.

"Maybe so, but if sex between consenting adults gets you sent to hell, I'll make it a point to visit you in whatever deep hole in hell they reserve for murderers."

"I'm not a murderer," Angelina said.

"Then who is?" Callie asked as Mina took over cocksucking duties for a moment.

"Fuck you, you little whore."

"I'm not the one trying to steal another woman's husband, bitch."

I interrupted. "We have two more people we need to join our little party."

I held the wooden box with the pistols in front of Callie and Mina. Callie took one, and Mina took the other without even breaking her slow mouth motions up and down my cock.

As soon as both twins had the pistols in their hands, a glow suffused the room, and on queue, the Helmsworth twins appeared. They were horrifying, with nasty black holes in their foreheads, blood all over their face, blood all over their chest. Parts of the back of their heads missing. They were nude, except for thigh-high boots.

"I know it's been awhile, but I'm sure you remember Dorothy and Lorelei," I said.

Angelina screamed. "What the fuck! What the fuck!"

"This is your chance to finally come clean," I said. "You can talk to us, work with us while we sort this out, and maybe you might get a lighter sentence when the authorities get involved. On the other hand, we can go straight to the state police. Your call."

"Fuck you," Angelina spat. "Get these freaks away from me. I don't know what kind of a trick this is, but it won't work. Get." She made a gesture with her hand like she was trying to shoo away the specters that were now just a few feet from her. It didn't work.

Lila smiled. "Let's play a game we made up called 'Truth or Deeper'." She pulled out an eighteen inch long strap on and buckled up.

"So baby," Lila purred to Angelina, rubbing the dong across her asshole and slit. "What was all this about you trying to steal my husband?"

"What the fuck," Angelina said. "Get that thing away from me. Fuck you."

Lila ignored her. "Here are the rules for 'Truth or Deeper', love. I am going to ask you some questions. You are going to answer them. If you tell the truth, nothing happens. If you lie, we go deeper. Got it? So, to start things out, you have a choice, vaginal or anal?"

Angelina looked at my wife, then at me. She suddenly looked very pale.

"I...I...I'll do anal," she said softly, looking at the Helmsworth twins in horror.

"You bet," Lila said, dumping some lube on Angelina's asshole and sliding the first six inches of the dildo in. "If you're asking for anal, your cunt must be as shallow as your character. Time for your first question: how did the Helmsworth twins die?"

"They died in a car accident."

Lila slid in another inch.

Angelina sneered. "Bitch..."

"Give me the correct answer to my question, how did Dorothy and Lorelei die."

Angelina gulped and cursed.

"Fuck," she said. "You're going to pay for this."

"Maybe, but you're going to pay more. Abetting a murder is a pretty nasty charge. Covering up a murder is ugly too. Cooperation is your best bet, unless you want jail time and a cavernous asshole."

"Okay," Angelina said. "They were shot in the head."

"Obviously, one look at them now and that point is obvious. The important question is, by who?"

"How would I know?"

Lila added another inch of depth. Angelina unleashed a stream of curses at my wife, my daughters, and my ancestry.

Personally, I was enjoying this spectacle. The fact that my hot, slender college-aged twin daughters were tag-teaming their young mouths on my cock didn't hurt either.

Lila asked her the next question. "Were you at the New Years Eve party the night they died?"


Lila slid in yet another inch. Angelina groaned and swore. She sounded legitimately uncomfortable. I held up a picture showing her at the party, then the one showing she left right after the Helmsworth twins.

"Wrong answer," I said. "Want to try again?"

"Yes, I was there." She sounded defeated.

"What happened?"

She paused a long time, then finally spoke.

"Look, I was just a college student. My parents were really hard on me. They could only afford the local college but because I lived nearby I was low priority for student housing. The...the...killer...paid for me to have an apartment next to the university. I was his side piece, which sucked, but I got to get out of a bad home situation. Fucking a guy a few years your senior in exchange for a more stable living situation isn't such a bad deal. And I worked as a drink girl for the Helmsworth twins when they had their little parties. It was strange, but fun. I was young, I didn't know what I was doing."

"Who killed them?" I asked.

"Please don't do this. I'm sorry for what happened, but I had nothing to do with it."

"I never said you did," I replied. "Name please."


I nodded to Lila. She slid in another inch, meaning Angelina had taken about a foot into her ass. She howled, sweat pouring down her face.

"This is torture!" she cried.

"Name, please," I said.

"Bart Dover."

"Wow, the guy who lives two doors down from me?"

Lila slid a couple inches back out. Angelina sighed in relief.

"Thank you," she murmured. "Yes, the Mr. Dover who lives on your street. After he was rejected by Dorothy he held a serious grudge. And when the twins began having their evil little orgies, that was too much. He was at the party that night when the twins showed up. He had drank a little too much. When they left shortly after the ball drop, he followed them and forced them off the road. I tried to stop him, but he hit me. He shot them with their own pistols. A week later, he came to me and asked me to get their ashes. He gave me a wad of cash. So I stole them. Nobody gave a shit, everyone thought they were freaks and we were better off with them gone."

"Do you know where their ashes are?"

She shook her head. "I don't, and I'm not lying. I had nothing to do with that. After the shooting, I broke off with Bart Dover, dropped out of college, took a night course in realty. I've been selling real estate ever since. So much for my big college dreams."

"Does Bart Dover know where they are?"

"If anyone does, he does."

"Will you help us find out where they are, and when the time comes, will you tell the state police everything you just told me?"

Angelina nodded and looked up at the bloody Helmsworth twins. "I've thought about you two every day over the past twenty years. I really am sorry for my part in this nightmare."

Then she paused again.

"I lied to you about something else," she added, biting her lip. Lila, who had been sliding the dildo out of Angelina's ass stopped.

"Really?" Lila said. "About what?"

Angelina slowly slid her body backwards, sliding herself back on the dildo that she had been complaining about a moment ago. She pushed as far back as her restraints would allow her, then nodded to Lila. My wife looked at me and I just shook my head. She slid the eighteen inch dildo the rest of the way inside Angelina's ass.

"I'm so worthless," Angelina said. "Do with me what you will. I'm a piece of shit. And I'm so sorry. I've had this over my head for twenty years. I'm just glad it's over. Make me pay."

"Hah, no problem, bitch" Lila said. She began sodomizing Angelina with gusto, driving the eighteen-inch long strap-on in and out of Angelina's asshole aggressively – definitely doing the whole "hell hath no fury" thing all over Angelina's ass.

I got up and moved in front of Angelina, lifting her head up. She looked up at me with doe eyes that were red and teary.

"I'm such a whore," she whispered. I gave my cock a couple of strokes and drove it into her mouth, not even trying to be gentle. I pushed until my balls rested against Angelina's chin. She coughed and streamers of slime dribbled from her mouth around my meat, but she didn't choke.

My wife continued to drive in and out of Angelina's ass. Mina and the still-gruesome Helmsworth twins donned strap-on harnesses and fit them with different sized dongs. Mina went with a big, thick, horse-like thing. Dorothy had a long thin snake that looked to be almost two feet long with a tapered end. Lorelei had a short, stubby dildo that was almost as big around as my guns.

Callie had taken out a camera and was filming Angelina's humiliation. Pausing every few minutes to masturbate a little.

Mina tapped her mother on the shoulder. Lila slid her dildo out of Angelina's red, inflamed asshole and stepped back, allowing Mina to roughly drive her dong into Angelina's sphincter. Angelina moaned around my cock as I continued to slide my meat in and out of her mouth. A thick streamer of throat slime and maybe a little bit of vomit hung down from her chin and shook with each of my strokes.

Lila appeared next to me, stroking the dong she had just pulled out of Angelina's asshole. I slid my cock out of our wayward Realtor's mouth and my wife drove her strap-on in its place. Angelina made a choking noise and a fresh load of slime sluiced out of the side of her mouth and her nose, sliding all the way down to the floor. Lila grabbed her hair and face-fucked Angelina with gusto.

Mina, meanwhile, was going about her damage to Angelina's asshole at least a little gentler than her mother had. Angelina's sphincter was now intensely red and inflamed and sliding out further and further with each stroke Mina made.

Callie with her camera, having documented Angelina's wrecked ass, was knelt beside Lila, capturing every choke, gag, and retch that racked Angelina's mouth. A nasty puddle had formed on the floor under her chin, and Lila didn't seem like she was in the mood to stop. Out of concern for Angelina's well-being, I tapped Mina on the shoulder and pointed to Lila. When Mina came up beside her, Lila tapped out and let Mina have a run at Angelina's well-used throat while Dorothy started in on Angelina's gaped, abused asshole.

I pulled my wife to me and we kissed, her pendulous tits pressing against my muscled chest, her hips pressed together around my pulsating meat. As nice as it was to fuck my daughters and the Helmsworth twins, Lila and I knew each others bodies well, and let's face it, this was the woman I truly loved.

We kissed and I reached around, unbuckling her strap-on and pushing it to the floor, then grabbed her mom-ass and lifted her up, planting her on the edge of a massage table. She wrapped her legs around me as I slid my meat into her soaking slit. The energy of the new sexual experiences we had had over the last 48 hours injected itself into our love making. She was hot and drenched, I was hard and pulsating. She moved her hips in time with each of my thrusts. We moaned in almost perfect synchronicity.

Behind us, Mina had tapped out and Dorothy had switched to Angelina's dripping, slimy mouth. Lorelei, the last in line, drove her super-thick strap-on into Angelina's red, inflamed, gaping asshole. Lorelei was the only one of the strap-ons that got a groan from Angelina. She involuntarily yanked her head off of Dorothy's dong.

"Fuck, what the fuck is that thing, a freight train?" she croaked, her throat hoarse from the beating it was taking. But that was all she was able to get out before Dorothy forced her dildo back into Angelina's piehole. Angelina mumbled something else but nobody had any idea what – nor did anyone really care.

I glanced over at the Helmsworths. I have to admit, it was a terrifying. The gruesome, wrecked, bloody twins were spit-roasting Angelina with everything they had. Their blood-covered tits shook with each stroke they made, a chunk of Dorothy's skull was hanging to the side and flapping with her motions, and the dark smiles on their faces were horrifying. I was really glad I wasn't a murderer or accomplice – having to ever look something like that in the eye as the guilty one would drive me over the edge.

Callie had documented all this on her video camera, including the gory Helmsworths and close-ups of the red, abused flesh of Angelina's asshole trying to cope with the monster dong Lorelei was driving in and out of it. But suddenly she noticed that her mother and father were hugging and having a slow, quiet, intense standing fuck on one one of the massage tables. She crept over to us and suddenly I felt her hand on the inside of my thigh.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I need to get a close-up," Callie said with a giggle. "Spread your legs, I want a clean shot of your cock in mom's pussy."

Lila giggled. I thought about protesting, but what could I say? I had already tested every hole both my daughters had, so it was a little late for modesty. I spread my legs a bit and Callie held the camera between them as I slipped my meat in and out of her mother's slit. It felt like the insides of Lila's cunt went up several degrees in temperature. I felt a fresh load of grool slide out around my cock and I realized that she was turned on by the idea of our daughter filming out lovemaking. I leaned forward and we kissed as Callie kept the camera pointed as Lila's cunt. Lila came around my cock and her slit tightened around me. I could feel my balls tighten.

"Money shot! Give me a money shot!" Callie said. Mina appeared and pushed me backwards, yanking my cock out of her mother's cunt and stroking me fast. I closed my eyes and a second later my seed pulsed out all over Lila's heavy chest as Callie filmed her mother's come-christening. Lila leaned forward and pulled my cock into her mouth, sucking down my semen, then letting it dribble down her chin for Callie's benefit.

I heard Angelina let out a loud moan and glanced over my shoulder. The Helmsworth twins had pulled out of her holes and Angelina was coughing and sputtering.

The twins unhooked Angelina from the rack, and she slid to the floor on her hands and knees, then lay down on her back and gazed up at the rest of us. Angelina's face seemed to have gotten ten years younger now that she had loosed her secret she had kept for so long. She looked up at the wrecked visages of the Helmsworth twins with a mixture of interest and horror.

The twins turned and flickered out for a moment, before returning as the lovely, curvy young women we all loved.

"I am such a complete shit," Angelina said, finally. "I can't believe I went along with this all these years. I'll do anything I can to set this right."

"We'll hold you to that," I said.