Primary Yang Body

After the end of the seconds counter, the space suddenly split open and a handsome middle-aged man with long red hair and a beard entered the white room.

Upon his entry, the white space suddenly began to tremble as if it could not bear his terrifying aura even if he was hide his aura

The middle-aged man waved his hand while his face was smooth and created a barrier around the white space.

This barrier not only prevented the destruction of the space but also prevented others from spying.

Then he looked at the handsome young man who was looking at him in shock and introduced himself while smiling, "Welcome to enter Dimensional Cultivation, my name is Wang Shen, but you can call me Elder Wang"

Tian Wang gulped as cold sweat dripped from his face, when the middle-aged man entered the white space, he could feel the terrifying aura that gave people a sense of despair and death.

He guessed that the middle-aged man who introduced himself as Wang Shen had put a protective barrier over him and if he didn't, he would be destroyed immediately!

he didn't know why, but his intuition told him that if the middle-aged man wanted to kill him, he could kill him not only in the game world but in reality.

This caused him a little panic, but he quickly controlled his emotions and while clasping his hands in a sign of respect like those cultivation novels he had seen, he said, "Nice to see you Elder Wang, my name is Tian Wang."

Without changing his expression, Wang Shen waved his hand and suddenly several blue floating screens appeared all around Tian Wang.

"According to the rules, I will only explain a few basic things to you, and you have to figure out the rest yourself, the first part is creating your game account."

Suddenly, all the blue floating screens became one, Tian Wang looked at the blue screen and noticed various options and questions.


[-Age :

[-Physics: Physique awakening

[-Bloodline: Bloodline awakening

[-Talents: Selection of talents]

"Well, the first part of creating an account is choosing a nickname and setting an age. I don't think there is any need for an explanation, so enter your name and age," Wang Shen said in a normal tone.

Tian Wang looked at the floating screen in front of him.

If it was another game, he would have chosen the nickname Heavenly King as usual, but since this game is about cultivation, he doesn't want to become the public enemy of the world from the beginning because of his name.

After thinking for a while, he decided to choose Qiyuan as his nickname.

Then he entered his age and completed the first part of the account creating, Wang Shen looked at his nickname and frowned a little as if he remembered something, "Well, you have completed the first part, the next part is physics."

The writing on the floating screen in front of Tian Wang suddenly changed to the descriptions and names of different divine bodies, "physics can have different abilities based on their level and strength, and some of them will even have two or three abilities, natives of this world awaken their bodies from childhood, but since you were not exposed to pure Qi, you must go through the awakening ceremony."

Wang Shen started to walk toward Tian Wang, after a few steps he stopped next to him and continued while looking at the list of physics,

"The physics is divided into mortal, earthly, celestial, heavenly, divine, mythical, and ethereal levels."

Tian Wang looked at the list of physiques, Heavenly Chaos Body, Heavenly Ax Body, Divine Ice Body, Demon Devouring Body, and a whole bunch of other physiques, each one more terrifying than the other.

Tian Wang checked them one by one, but realized that there was no purchase option, "I can't buy them?"

"No, during the process of awakening, you get one by chance."

Tian Wang shook his head and scanned the list again and noticed an option called Increase Chance, "What does this option do?" He asked while pointing at that option.

"By paying money, you can increase your chances of obtaining a higher-level physique," Wang Shen replied casually.

Well, paying a little money to become the best-ranker in the game is not a problem, right? Tian Wang immediately entered his bank card information and charged his account in the game

He clicked on the chance increase option, for the first time by paying ten dollars, his chance increased by one percent, but for the second time, by paying two hundred dollars, the chance increased by one percent.

This continued until after a few minutes, finally reached a 100% chance by paying nearly 320 million dollars, Tian Wang was a little shocked.

320 million dollars for a body? Although this money was not much for him, it does not mean that it is little money! It was the first time he had ever spent so much money on a game, but for some reason, his intuition told him it was worth it.

Well, he could only hope that his intuition was not wrong

He looked at Wang Shen and smiled bitterly, "Well, I think it's over."

Looking at his expression, Wang Shen could easily guess that the latter paid a lot of money, "Hahaha, well, although I don't know about your world currency, I can guess that you paid a lot of money, but I can tell you that you will not be disappointed."

Tian Wang smiled and replied, "I hope so."

Suddenly, the text on the blue floating screen changed to a selection called Physics Awakening. "So, are you ready?" Wang Shen asked in a casual tone.

Tian Wang nodded and then clicked on the option, he could only hope to get a good physique, after a few seconds a notification suddenly appeared in front of them.

[Congratulations, you have awakened Primary Yang body!

[-Rank: supreme Ethereal]

Not only Tian Wang but also Wang Shen was a little surprised, he didn't expect the boy in front of him to awaken such a high-level physique.

Fate said that he is special, is that why? No. Although Primary Yang's physics is powerful, it does not make fate pay attention to a person

"Congratulations kid looks like you're lucky," Wang Shen congratulated Tian Wang while smiling.

The latter was a little confusing, shouldn't there be an explanation about the body? He decided to ask the man standing next to him, "Thank you Elder, but can you give me an explanation about this body?"

Wang Shen nodded and then began to explain about Primary Yang's body

This physique is a body for dual cultivation, a person who has this body can not only increase his cultivation by getting yin from women during sex but can also turn yin into soul power.

It should be known that soul power is the most important power in this world, as long as your soul power is stronger than the opponent's, even if your cultivation is lower, you can easily destroy his soul and win the fight.

Of course, this is not the only soul power ability but at present there is no need to know more, as the level of cultivation increases, soul power increases automatically

but if a cultivator wants to increase his soul power separately, he must either be an immortal or a genius who can challenge the heavens

And well, such geniuses can only appear every ten of million years, that's why it can be said that almost only immortals can increase their soul power without increasing their cultivation level.

In the meantime, a cultivator who has Primary Yang body can easily increase his soul power with ying power without limits

Although this is not the only ability of this body,...

"So, is this body used for Dual Cultivation?" Tian Wang asked with a slight headache

Noticing his expression, Wang Shen replied, "Yes, you don't like Dual Cultivation?"

"It's not like that, it's just that I have to have sex with w-...forget it" Tian Wang didn't know who exactly he had to have sex with.

the players? Well, this is almost impossible and the only option left is NPCs, but should he have sex with artificial intelligence?

It's kind of disgusting, but he probably has no choice except to get a bloodline and talents that can help him get stronger without having sex.

He doesn't like to be known as a dual cultivator, he prefers to be known as a Peerless Sword God.

Wang Shen didn't care about his expressions anymore and said, "There's one more thing you should know about this body. Primary Yang's body has another half called Primary Yin body"