Tomb of Darkness

Tian Wang entered after the gate opened, inside the gate was like the corridor of a huge palace, to his left and right there were several torches to keep the palace lit while under his feet was an endless red carpet.

There were no decorations or anything and the hallway was empty except for the torches and the red carpet, the only way was the way forward

Tian Wang felt somewhat bad, but his intuition told him that he must reach the end of the corridor, there was something inside this palace that belonged to him.

Finally, he calmed down and decided to move forward, taking a step forward, the gate behind him disappeared and was replaced by a silver diva.

He could only sigh at his misery

[You have succeeded in entering one of the seven tombs of darkness]

[Description: a legacy tomb created by the Heaven domination emperor]

[Tomb level: EverLasting]

Just as he was about to continue walking, a notification appeared in front of him, 'Tomb of Darkness? So it is related to my body?'Tian Wang was already sure that this tomb was related to him

As far as he knew, his body had a scary history, so much so that he had seen Wang Shen panic when he saw the name of his first body.

For this reason, he guessed that the person who had this physique before him was a demonic cultivator who killed countless living beings.

But in any case, he did not expect that immediately after the start of the game, he would be involved in his physique problems

He could only sigh since this was a tomb he hoped he could at least find some fighting techniques and maybe a good weapon?

Meanwhile, while he was unaware, another global announcement had shocked the seven realms' players

[Congratulations to Player Qiyuan for finding the first Legacy Tomb]

The players didn't know whether to be shocked or angry when they heard the name of the player Qiyuan again. Not even an hour had passed since the previous notification, but another notification appeared.

"Player Qiyuan is the son of the game manager"

"Didn't the game developers say the game would be fair?"

"Who knows? Maybe the player Qiyuan is the illegitimate son of the game creator and wants to make up for his son's childhood shortcomings!"

"This is the real world, not a movie."

"Anyway, does anyone know what the tomb is?"

"I know, let me explain to you, when powerful cultivators have reached the end of their lifespan, To continue their legacy, they create a training ground in the form of a cave, nature, palace, or such places, and young cultivators by passing the trials they set, can inherit that powerful cultivator legacy!"

"So now player Qiyuan is getting the inheritance of a powerful cultivator?"

The other players were silent after hearing this, first the heavenly grade technique and now a tomb. If so, the Qiyuan player is years ahead of them right now!

"What are you worried about? The game has just started and he is only a mortal apprentice in the first stage! How can he pass the trials of a tomb?"

After hearing the words of the player who spoke, the rest of the players thought a little and realized that he is right, even if he enters a tomb, it does not mean that he can get an inheritance!


After walking for several minutes Tian Wang reached the end of the corridor, in front of him was a big black door with golden carvings.

He took a breath and then exerted a little force and opened the big door. The big door did not emit an ear-splitting sound or an aura like the gate, on the contrary, it opened slowly within a few seconds.

Tian Wang entered without hesitation, it was a rather wide circular cave, and in the middle of the cave, there was a pool filled with black water.

He could feel that the feeling of familiarity he felt earlier was due to the black water

Tian Wang walked over to the pool and looked into it, he could feel the horrible death intent emanating from the black water.

"Hehe hello kid" Suddenly an ancient voice with a playful tone heard throughout the cave

Tian Wang took his gaze back from the pool and looked at the person who appeared on the other side of the pool, a handsome young man with beautiful long black hair and completely black eyes, the whole part of his eyes was black!

He was tall, reaching 186 cm, and wearing magnificent royal robes with gold embroidery.

Although he hid his aura, Tian Wang could feel the aura of death and darkness surrounding him as if they could bring everything back to nothingness.

Tian Wang frowned, he could sense his extremely terrifying power to some extent, if he wanted to describe the power he felt, he would have to say that the person in front of him could destroy Wang Shen with just one move.

He knew that he had no chance of winning and even thinking of fighting with the person in front of him was stupid, he had a friendly tone like he did not want to hurt him.

He fisted his hands as a sign of respect and said

"Greetings to senior"

"Hehe no need to be afraid kid, anyway I waited countless years to finally find a successor" The handsome young man began to approach Tian Wang with a smile on his face.

"Successor?" Tian Wang deliberately showed a little curiosity

"That's right, I was looking for someone with darkness origin physique, but heaven doesn't allow such a person to exist," his voice was a little disappointed as if he was upset about not destroying heaven.

"Well, you can call me Master Gu, what is your name, young man?" The young man introduced himself as Master Go

"My name is Tian Wang," Tian Wang replied respectfully

"Tian Wang ha? It's an interesting name, well it looks like you've just started cultivation, that's even better, that way you'll get more benefit from the Dark Pool," Master Gu said after scanning Tian Wang's body.

"Dark Pool? Besides, shouldn't you answer my questions first?" Tian Wang was a little confused, shouldn't he ask a few questions first and have the other party answer him to gain his trust?

"It's not that I don't want to answer your questions, the problem is that you are very weak. There are seven dark tombs in total, each of which is in one of the seven divine realms. In this tomb, you will notice some small secrets, but by going to the other tombs, you can Find out all the secrets about your body" Master Gu sighed and calmly explained to him

Tian Wang was a little surprised but didn't say anything else, even Senior Wang had told him that he couldn't know much until he became strong.

But it seems that if he wants to know the secrets, he has to go to the other six divine realms in the future, but this will probably take a long time.