a Leader Equal to the Strongest

The voices of people and children could be heard, as you got closer to the City entrance, you could see a vast and endless area surrounded by a very high concrete wall, the end of which could not be seen.

All around the wall were guards in brown clothes, Tian Wang couldn't see their realm but he could feel the terrifying aura they were emitting.

Each of the guards were at least in the True Master Realm, Tian Wang gulped and with a straight face, he and the others arrived at the City entrance gate.

"Do we have to pay to enter?" Tian Wang said in a casual tone as he looked at the huge silver gate in front of him that was guarded by two guards who had a stronger aura than the other guards.

"Cities like this city that are under the direct supervision of a large sect do not charge entry fees.

This city is also under the supervision of the Divine Azure Dragon Sect and they do not charge entry fees, but small and medium-sized cities charge entry fees," Luo Feng answered in a normal tone without changing his expression

Hearing his words, Tian Wang sighed, well, he didn't have any money right now, and he didn't want to borrow money from the three people he just met.

Although he guessed that they wouldn't mind lending him money, Tian Wang didn't want to borrow money from others for such a small thing.

They didn't waste time and entered the city, upon entering the city, Tian Wang could see huge and luxurious ancient Chinese-style structures everywhere.

The weakest cultivators were only one or two stages below him in form, and the strongest reached four or even five big realms above him.

"When will the entrance exam be held?" Tian Wang asked while still looking at the luxurious ancient structures.

"In two days, tomorrow we have to go for registration and then after it will be the entrance exam" Luo Feng replied with a smile on his face, during this time his relationship with Tian Wang had become much closer and they had become like friends.

Tian Wang nodded, he had just spent several hours in the game and was a bit tired, so he wanted to quit the game at the best opportunity and rest a bit.

"So Brother Feng, which hotel do you think we should go to?" Mei Ling asked while still standing next to Tian Wang.

He thought for a while and then answered, "There are many hotels, but the best choice is Sky Azure Hotel, because of the entrance exam, they give free rooms to young cultivators."

Tian Wang didn't know why he felt that luck was on his side today! But apart from joking, he probably should have found a way to earn money

After talking for a while, everyone finally decided to go to Sky Azure Hotel, because of the relatively long journey, everyone was tired and hungry and wanted to sleep after having dinner.

The city was very huge and to reach the area where the hotel was located, they had to use a vehicle that was like a carriage, but it still took several minutes to reach the hotel.

The structure of the hotel was like a hundred-floor pagoda or even bigger, the hotel was built in golden color and Dao rhymes echoed around it.

The area around the hotel was very crowded and tens of thousands of young cultivators had come for staying at the Sky Azure hotel

Tian Wang was a little worried that there might not be any rooms left in this crowd, but it was as if he didn't need to worry and it was like the hotel staff knew Luo Feng.

He easily took three rooms, one for himself, one for Tian Wang, and one for the twins, then they went to the restaurant that belonged to the hotel and after sitting at a rather large circular dining table, they ordered all the dishes on the menu.

Well, they were all really hungry!

"Brother Feng, how much do you know about the Divine Azure Dragon Sect?" Tian Wang decided to find out a little about the sect he wanted to join while they were waiting for the food to arrive.

"Hmm? Well, I have quite a lot of information, and if not, why would I want to join a sect that I don't know, why you ask Brother Qiyuan?" Luo Feng asked with a surprised expression.

'Are you making fun of me?'Tian Wang really had no information about the Divine Azure Dragon Sect, and the only reason he wanted to join was because of Master Gu's words.

However, he was not stupid to join a sect based on someone's words, so he wanted to make sure that he was not joining the wrong sect.

"Well, as I told Brother Feng earlier, I just came down from the mountain and I don't have much information,

and I'm going to join the Divine Azure Dragon Sect at the order of my master, so I wanted to know a little about this sect, if you don't mind, I would be grateful if you explain a little about the Divine Azure Dragon sect to me"

Tian Wang said with a smile on his face, causing not only the twins but also the other girls in the restaurant to be fascinated by him for a moment.

"of course, no problem, the Divine Azure Dragon Sect is one of the four great factions in the Divine Realm that we live in,

their power is very terrifying, and they are known as one of the best sects in the entire seven realms,

this sect has existed for millions of years and has a very deep heritage, of course, the, most important thing about this sect is their leader," Lue Feng explained.

"Their leader? What is special about their leader?" Tian Wang knew everything that Lue Feng had explained so far.

"Well, do you remember about the Divine Sage? Divine Sage rules not only the most powerful divine realm, but also all seven realms, and in between, he has six subordinates named the six divine venerable.

Well, these are not important, what is important is the Divine Sage himself,

it is said that the current Divine Sage was chosen a hundred thousand years ago and has been a Divine Sage since then.

there is a rumor that the current leader of the Divine Azure Dragon Sect is someone from the same era as divine sage and was once his rival for the position of Divine Sage

But he failed for some reasons, and of course, some, people say that he did not care about the position of Divine Sage and therefore did not participate in the fight for this position," Lue Feng explained with a tone full of respect and worship.

"I didn't expect the leader of the Divine Azure Dragon Sect to be such an important person like Brother Feng took the sect leader as his role model," Tian Wang noticed Luo Feng's tone towards the so-called leader of the Divine Azure Dragon Sect.

"That's Right, hehe the leader of the Divine Azure Dragon Sect is Brother Feng's greatest hero," Mei Ling said with a sarcastic tone, and then they started laughing with Mei Li.

Luo Feng ignored them as if he was already used to their words, "Well, is there anything else you want to know, Brother Qiyuan?" Luo Feng asked in a friendly tone.

Tian Wang nodded and didn't ask any more questions, he just wanted to make sure of the sect's strength, which he was already sure of.

It didn't take long for the food to be brought and all three of them started to eat. After the meal, because it was already dark, they said goodbye to each other and went to their rooms.

"Well, I guess it was a boring day, huh? Exit" Tian Wang suddenly disappeared from where he was supposed to be as if he had never been there.