
Getting a Quest

As Liam made his wsy over to the biggest building in the village he could still see flashes of light constantly appearing indicating more players arriving in the game world, this made him wonder on the numbers that were already playing the game.

While lost in his thoughts he had already made his way to his destination, he noticed the crowd around the entrance and wondered how he was going to be able to speak to the chief. As the game is virtual reality it basically mimics real life so with a crowd of people blocking the entrance Liam will find it difficult to even see the chief.

Still Liam decided to hang around as he was unsure if others would give quests in the newbie village as there was not a lot of information given when the game was introduced. This was to give players more reasons to explore the game world and find it's secrets off their own backs.

It wasn't until roughly 30 minutes later that Liam got his change to talk to the chief. He was greeted by a hunched old man with white hair and beard, in his left hand was a cane made of wood. He was wearing a white robe that had seen better days and was yellowing around the edges, making him look even older.

"Hello chief Ronald. I'm here see if you have need of any help"

"Ah hello young man. I'm fact I am in need of some help. You see some time ago the farmers told me about some monsters that seem to be damaging their crops and need someone to help get rid of them"

"Of course I'll go help with the critters"

[Quest received - Drive off the crop destroyers]

As soon as Liam accepted the quest he got a notification to confirm so he brought up the quest details.

[Drive off the crop destroyers - Basic quest

The farmers at the newbie village are having their crops destroyed and eaten by pests and have requested them be eliminated.

Defeat Buck Toothed Rabbit: 0/15]

"I've been informed the blacksmith and item shop are in need of some help as well" Chief Ronald added as Liam was going over the quest.

"Thanks for the heads up Chief Ronald" As Liam heard that he wanted to kick himself for not thinking that these important places may have a quest or two as well. He then bid farewell to the Village Chief and made his way back yo the blacksmith.

"Back again. What can I help you with this time?" The blacksmith noticed Liam as he came in.

"The village chief said that you are in need of some help"

"Yes the chief was right. I currently don't have enough materials in stock for my work and need someone to go to the nearby cave and get more some iron ore. Will you do this for me?"

"My pleasure" Liam agreed immediately as more quests means more Exp and money.

[Quest recieved - Collect iron ore]

"Great! Here you will need this pickaxe to collect the ore" With that said the blacksmith handed Liam a pickaxe and he placed that in his inventory. "Also this prospect skill will help you locate ores out in the field"

[Skill gained - Prospect]

Liam thanked the blacksmith and then check his new acquisitions.

[Collect Iron ore - Basic quest

The blacksmith is running low on materials and needs you to go to the nearest cave and mine some iron ore.

Iron ore mined: 0/20]

[Bronze Pickaxe - Life tool

A basic pickaxe used to mine low level ores]

[Prospect - Basic life skill

Allows user to find low level ores in a 20 metre radius of the user. LVL: 1/10

Proficiency: 0/1000]

Once Liam was satisfied he bid goodbye and then made his way over to the item shop. As he entered the granny behind the counter smiled towards him as he started making his way over.

"Hello granny, the village chief said you were in need of some help"

The granny's smiled widen and said "Yes. I'm out of herbs to make healing potions but my weary body can not make the trip to the forest to collect them. Would you be a dear and how in my place?"

"No problem!"

[Quest recieved - Herb Gatherer]

"Excellent. Then you will need this forage skill to be able to pick them."

[Skill gained - Forage]

"Thank you granny. I'll be back soon" As he finished talking Liam turned around to leave the store while checking the quest information.

[Herb Gatherer - Basic quest

The item shop is running out of herbs for healing potions. You have been asked to go to the forest and grab some.

Gathered Five Star Grass: 0/20]

[Forage: Life Skill

Allows user to pick low level herbs and also informs users of low level herbs in a 29 metres radius]

After examining his quest details, Liam started making his way over to the village entrance noting that a lot of people were rushing in and out of the village with excited looks on their faces. Liam got to the entrance and glanced at the single guard leaning against the fence that borders the village for safety. He was wearing brown leather armour over a blue shirt tucked into black trousers. A sword was tied at his waste but looks like it hasn't seem a lot of action as it looked as good as new. It was evident from is lazy look that there was little for him to do as a guard as most monsters surrounding the village were more docile in nature.

Liam took a glance at him and nod when the guard looked back before making his way out the entrance to start his adventures.

"Let's get this show on the road"