
Battling a boss (2)

What Liam saw in the middle if the clearing was another large tree, however it was nowhere near as big. It was about 6 metres tall but strangely had no leaves at all looking like the tree was dead.

This of course couldn't be further from the truth. It still had a healthy brown trunk which seem to crack in places around thd body. It wasn't very wide allowing 3 people connecting their arms to circle around it. Some of the trees roots could be seen poking out of the ground around it's base looking quite thick.

As he was staring at the tree in front, the 2 other players noticed him and made their way over.

"Hey, you want to party to take the boss down" The first one spoke out. He was a well built man wearing grey armour across his body, plus a shield was hanging on his back with a sword at the hip. His name Unmovable Brute.

"Yeah there is no way the 2 of us can take it on our self's" The second was a skinny man wearing a white robe without any distinct patterns. He had an amiable smile plastering his face as he look at Liam awaiting his answer. His name was Fettered Dream.

Liam looked at the two for a moment before asking

"Will three of us be enough?"

"We should be as long as you are good enough at avoiding attacks. I don't want to have to constantly heal your arse" Fettered Dream's words sounded arrogantly in Liam's.

"If we could do enough damage we would fight it ourselves but I've put my points in vitality so my damage is quite pitiful. And Fettered here has to heal me quite a bit." Unmovable Brute spoke up sounding just as arrogant as his friend.

These two were definitely experts. Liam could tell at a glance that they have had some good drops just looking at the equipment they both had. It was also evident by Unmovable Brute's words that they were a tank and healer.

"Okay we can try" Liam was excited to try to fight the boss as the experience and drops would be much better. Thinking of this also brought up another question.

"What about loot distribution?"

"It will depend on who needs what. As there is only 3 of us each with a different class it will be easier this way"

It was always important to set things like loot distribution out before a major fight, this is to stop too many fights in a party from happening. The games monsters don't drop items for any particular individual but but for everyone. So the developers made it so the distribution had to be set before a boss or even dungeons and cannot be changed until all loot has been taken and accounted for.

"Okay fair enough. So what's the strategy for the boss" Liam wanted to make sure their roles where as he thought to avoid any mishaps.

"No real strategy as its just the three of us. Brute will tank while I will heal him"

"Are we starting or what? I want to beat it before any more players get here" With that said Unmovable Brute made his way over to the tree in the middle.

As Unmovable Brute got closer the tree started to rise in the air slightly. The roots visible in the ground slowly worming their way towards the base of the moving tree. Once the roots were in position they started to twist around each other forming a pair of legs pushing the already tall tree up another half metre. Some branches also started twisting together and a pair of arms appear on the sides of the tree.

A cracking sound also reverberated in the surroundings as a face started forming in the bark of the tree before it made a loud roar and used the branches on the top of its head like a tentacle to whip at the intruder.

Unmovable Brute took his shield from his back and parried the incoming attack and was pushed back several steps. The branch was taken back by the tree and sent another to whip the tank from the other side.

Seeing this Unmovable Brute rolled forward with the whip attack going over his head. By this point he was within 10 metres of the tree so used Charge to close the distance.


When the damage popped up all 3 players were stunned.

"Even with Brute having low strength, his weapon should have helped with the damage. How high is this things defence" Unfettered Dream shouted as he couldn't believe the battle would start off so bad.

Liam used the time to check the trees life as he also made his way over.

[Eltrunk - Treant Lord Lvl - T0:8 HP: 3000/3000 (Boss)]

Liam was stunned by the life Eltrunk had but didn't stop his movements. As Unmovable Brute had it's attention for the moment, Liam circled around to the side before using a charge of his own.


"Shit! Even I can't damage this boss"

"Hey, hey, hey. Why can't you do any damage? What's your level?" Unfettered Dream was a little flustered after seeing that even their supposed DPS also can't hurt Eltrunk.

"Level 3"

"What why are you so weak. We both hit level 7 not long ago"

"What?!" Liam was now stunned as he heard Unfettered Dream divulge their level. "How did you get there so fast?"

As this this was asked Liam rolled out the way of an oncoming branch that tried to skewer him before taking steps back to get out of the tree's range.

"Because we fought monsters. Duh!" Liam rolled his eyes as he heard the answer.

'Should I increase my strength stat again. Maybe I can hurt it if I do"

As Liam thought this he brought up his stats page and seriously thought about it.

[Do you wish to add 5 free stats to STR?]