
Tough Fight (4)

Liam moved his head back, narrowly avoiding his head being removed from his shoulders before getting a counter shot in of his own before the rogue disappeared again.

Meanwhile the cleric at the back started chanting when a small purple light appeared around the two visible enemies while a new buff was given out. It was a defensive buff meant to enhance physical defence.

At the same time Liam was busy dealing with the commander skeleton while constantly on watch for the rogue. The commanders spear was deadly accurate making it slightly difficult for Liam to dodge.

All of a sudden Liam caught a gleam out the corner of his eye an knew the rogue was on the attack again. Before he allowed it to reach him Liam used hitting both the rogue and commander at the same time.



Liam took note of the two damage figures and frowned slightly. The commanders defence was quite high, with the buff it had 120 defence which at this stage of the game should be almost impossible. Liam could finally understand why this was called Hell.

Unfortunately Liam didn't have much time to dwell on things as the commanders spear was being thrust towards him, so he jumped to the left slightly and hit the monster for a small amount of damage. The rogue was back hiding and the cleric was casting another purple arrow at him meaning he couldn't go fully on the offensive.

Liam's tiredness was still there but he was working through it, he couldn't afford to mess up now. He slowly whittled down the commanders health while dodging it's spear thrusts and sweeps while keeping an eye out for the pain in the arse rogue.

Every thirty seconds Liam would use his skill to stop the rogue whilst causing some damage to the commander. After the third use Liam noticed that the defence of the two had dropped meaning the buff was finally gone.



'It's probably best to take out that cleric first, that buff gave me more trouble that it has all fight.' Liam decided on his next course of action and waited for the rogue to pop out of stealth so he could avoid it's next attack before skirting around the commander.

It wasn't long before that gleam of steal came again along with another thrusting spear so Liam rolled out yo the side before picking himself up and running towards the priest. Once in range Liam used and slammed into the cleric following up with a second sweeping slash.

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The cleric was caught off guard and the next spell it was casting got interrupted. Thankfully it didn't have the overpowered teleport move so Liam swung twice more knocking off almost two hundred more health. Before he could do another swing the rogue appeared again causing Liam to avoid the attack, allowing the cleric to gain some distance and start casting again.

The commander was lagging behind due to its heavy armour but had finally caught up now and was using it's own at Liam who only just managed to maneuver out if the way in time. Liam was back where he started it seems, albeit with the priest down a third of its life. Or so Liam thought.

Looking over Liam saw that the priest was just finished with casting it's new spell and was used on itself. A purple glow shrouded it before it's health bar regenerated taking away half Liam's work.

'What! It can heal too?' Liam was dumbfounded. He finally realised that light magic isn't the only element to have healing spells. Luckily it looks like the cleric won't be able to cast that spell again soon.

Instead of dwelling on his own misunderstanding Liam continued with the fight, even more determined to bring the cleric down first.

So after every 30 seconds Liam would use to damage the rogue and commander before using on the cleric and getting 3 extra hits in.

It was after the second attempt that Liam found out the cool down period for the clerics heal skill, that also seemed to be 30 seconds. 'At least I hope it is.'

Because of the timings the cleric had no chance of healing the other two skeletons but it did put up its buff once more.

Liam swung at the cleric for the last time and was relieved that he had finally taken it down. By this point the rogue was down below the 50% mark on its health and the commander still had just less that 66%. Liam didn't let his guard down here though as both opponents were still tough.

A spear was coming towards Liam which he promptly dodged before a gleam of light came out of nowhere and caught him off guard. He had finally taken his first points of damage.


'Shit that was bad. I need to end this soon.' Liam was starting to slow down a bit due to his tiredness but the damage seemed to have kicked some life into him as he dodged the next set of attacks before counterattacking and before long the rogue was finally down.

'Phew, now that I have taken out the rogue the rest should be easy.' Looking st the life bar of the commander he knew that he was almost done, so like the last set of monsters he decided to slow down a bit to alleviate a bit of his tiredness in preparation for the necromancer and the final bone pile.

Liam shivered a little thinking about what could possibly be summoned from there.