
Finishing the Fight & new skill book

As soon as the Death Knight died it's summoner finally came out of its shell a fired off several large purple fireballs at Liam.

As he knew they were coming due to his experience with the necromancer throughout the fight Liam easily evaded the fireballs, unfortunately he wasn't in range to use so he had to rush the monster before he could.

While Liam was getting close, the necromancer finished chant it's spell causing Liam to halt his tracks. The sky starting getting covered by large fireballs and they started dropping towards the ground at a quick speed. The area covered was just as large as always too making it next to impossible to actually get to the caster.

Instead Liam dodged the fireballs and the resulting small explosions as they hit the ground before getting out of its area of effect. The spell lasted 6 seconds before it finally finished but unfortunately for Liam the flames that usually disappear once the spell is over are still lingering this time.

'Guess I gotta go round.' Liam thought to himself as he started circling around the flames towards the necromancer all the while avoiding the balls and arrows of fire that were sent his way in the process.

Once Liam finally got in range he didn't hesitate to use and slammed into the necromancer causing a fair amount of damage before slashing it once. He then watched as the monster teleporter away from him, however he wasn't disappointed as he already knew that was going to happen.

Liam focused on the necromancers position before making his way over. He was already expecting not to be able yo reach it for now like usual but he just used the same strategy he did before. By steering the necromancer towards a wall.

It took 20 seconds for Liam to be able to get close enough to the monster to use charge and thankfully the cool down has already ended so he used the move instantly. As soon as he hit the monster he swung his sword 3 more times.

"What? How can this be? To be defeated by a mere mortal! Rrrraaagh!" This was only the second time the necromancer spoke and it would be the last. The necromancer fell to the ground and it's bones crumble to dust with no trace left.

Liam followed suit and fell to the ground as well but his reason was very different.

"So tired. I hope I won't have to fight like that to much." Now that he had time to catch his breath Liam just lay on the floor and didn't move, in fact his eyes slowly closed and in moments he fell asleep.

* * *

While Liam was taking a well deserved rest many of the other players were also reaching level 10 and attempting the Tier Up dungeons but even the veteran gamers seemed to avoid the hell difficulty challenge. None of them wanted to be trapped in there for ages before they finished so they all chose hard mode.

However there were plenty of players who didn't think they could finish hard so they went for the easier options. This showed the difference in skill between the players, this is not to say that Liam is more skillful than the veterans it's just that the best players need to establish themselves on the main continents. They had no time to waste on something that they thought was pointless.

At this time a lot of those veterans have already finished their Tier Up and made their choice of starting continent. This included the two new friends Liam met while fighting the treat boss, Unfettered Dream and Unmovable Brute.

They both had just finished the hard mode dungeon and was telling each other about their experience.

"The final boss was a bitch man. It did one move where it went invisible before launching an attack at you. I can't tell you how many times that got me." Unmovable Brute was complaining as he told his friend about the boss.

"Oh what did you fight?" Unfettered Dream was curious to know what he fought as it seemed different to his final boss.

"Something called a Stalker. It was this huge black lizard like thing that would climb up the walls and ceiling just to attack you. Made it really difficult to hit it."

"Definitely different to mine then."

"Huh! You fought something different?"

"I wouldn't say I fought it to be honest. I had to heal an NPC that was fighting the boss." Unfettered Dream then explained to Unmovable Brute how he was expected to keep the NPC alive throughout the dungeon.

"Sounds like different people do different dungeons."

"Might have something to do with the class you are?" Unfettered Dream questioned.

"Perhaps. Nevermind that have you chosen the continent we are go too?"

"Sure have." Unfettered Dream said with a smile as he started walking over to the village chief.

"We going to....."

* * *

It has been several hours since he fell asleep and Liam was now beginning to stir awake.

"Huh! Where am I?" As Liam's eyes refocused he took a look at his surroundings. "Oh right the dungeon. I must have dozed off."

He slowly got up and got his bearings. As he was looking around he saw what remains of the necromancer. The cloak was lying on the floor so Liam made his way over to check to see if there was any loot. While the skeletons it brought to life didn't drop anything he had hope that the main enemy would.

Once Liam got to the remains of the necromancer he started moving the cloak to see if it was an item he could take only to find that nothing happened after he picked it up.

"Not something I can take I guess." Liam said aloud as he move the cloak aside. There was only one item hidden beneath the cloak.

It was a book. A skill book.