Getting Information

While 900 contribution points were a lot, Minos wasn't worried they'd try anything funny. Just based on the hundreds of handyman disciples Minos saw who had gambled, they likely made tens of thousands in profit, so 900 wasn't worth ruining their reputation for.

Of course once he exited the sect, that was another question. There was no lack of red eyes that watched him closely after he claimed his winnings.

Of course given the nature of contribution points, they were pretty much impossible to steal, however the items bought with those points were a different story.

While the competition was over, Minos wasn't planning on leaving just yet. Instead he beckoned to the man in charge of the stall before asking him in a quiet voice.

"I wonder if you could get some information for me. I'd be happy to give away some of my winnings if you could help me out."

"Then you've come to the perfect place. I don't mean to brag, but the people who know me call me the man of hundred jobs, I can do pretty much anything" The stall owner bragged proudly.

"If that's the case, I want to know everything about Venix. Where he came from before joining the sect, what his personality is like, what he does in his free time, who his friends are, and even better, his enemies. As much as you can get your hands on."

"Why do you need to know all this?" He asked curiously, however Minos didn't respond, instead just staring at him.

"It's my fault, I shouldn't ask questions like that. Either way, that amount of information would take at least a week to gather."

"A week is too long, I need it within three days at the latest. Naturally I'm willing to offer more given the difficulties."

The man seemed to hesitate for a moment, but quickly made up his mind. "Okay, but I want 300 points in exchange."

"That's too much, I can give you 200 at most." Minos responded as he shook his head.

"200 isn't worth the effort I'm putting in." The man quickly rebutted.

"There's no need to play dumb with me. Even though I'm not an outer sect disciple, I know most missions reward around 100 points, and they take days, sometimes weeks to complete. You're earning twice that with no need to even leave the sect."

The man seemed to be caught in an awkward spot. He wanted to keep arguing, but seeing Minos's stoic face, he could tell this wasn't a bargain he could win, hence he gave in.

"Okay, 200 it is, but I want a down-payment of 100 points right now." That was his bottom line.

"No need, I'll give you the 200 right now. I naturally trust you won't make a fool of me." Minos said with seemingly no worry at all that the stall owner would run away with his points.

The stall owner couldn't help but feel a little complimented by Minos's trust. Taking the 200 points and saying solemnly "No worries, you can trust me!"

Just as Minos was leaving, he suddenly turned back and said "I still don't know your name."

"Jabar, but you can call me the man of a hundred jobs." Jabar said, clearly quite satisfied with that title.

"I think I'll stick with Jabar." Minos said with a slight smile before walking away.

Soon Minos arrived in his tiny hut once more. A long exciting day, finally coming to an end. Of course as a handyman disciple he still had plenty of work to do in the morning, but without Gantel, he'd have an extra three hours everyday to himself.

Minos didn't plan on playing the slow game anymore however. Having learnt talisman making, it was time to really get the ball rolling.

That's exactly why Minos asked for Venix's information. As an outcast who had enemies in the sect, he instead became a perfect ally to Minos.

While others were afraid of getting close to Venix, Minos wasn't, instead he'd make use of this gap to pull in his first ally. Of course before all of that, he needed to know exactly who he was dealing with, only then could Minos begin the next stage in his plan.