Tinka's Talent

"You really created this method by yourself?" Minos kept asking.

"Of course, who would teach me otherwise?" Tinka said, wondering why Minos was asking.

"Tinka, do you realize how much of a genius you are?" Minos suddenly asked.

"Genius, what genius? Isn't this normal?" Tinka said as she scratched her head in confusion.

Minos soon remembered that Tinka had spent her entire life in the tribe, so it made sense she didn't realize how much of an outlier she was.

"Haven't you noticed the other tribe members can't learn like you can." Minos asked.

"Isn't it just because they don't care about sculpting?" Tinka asked.

"That may be part of it, but have you ever thought that they didn't like it because they couldn't learn?" Minos asked.

"Not really, I also just assumed they would rather spend their time on other things that interested them more." Tinka responded.

"Tinka, I've seen the world, and most people can't learn like you. If they have no teacher, then they'll just never get better."

"Really?" Tinka said in wonder, beginning to rethink everything she knew.

"Really." Minos said.

It was only now that Minos was telling her did Tinka realize that what she had done wasn't normal, and she was also talented.

It was always a good feeling to know that you have something that makes you special, so Tinka was happy to hear the news.

The two continued their lesson under Tinka's renewed confidence. Minos was learning at an incredible speed, with each sculpture becoming more vivid than the last. Time passed quickly under this effect.

As much fun as the two were having, they unfortunately had to stop as the sun began to set. The two walked by the shore as they appreciated the setting sun the same way they did every night.

Another day came to an end, but unlike the other days, this was the last day Minos planned to stay.

Tinka already knew this, but she didn't say anything. She didn't want to burden Minos with her worries, and she knew with the kind of person he was, he'd never stop.

They cherished the view together as they walked in silence, darkness soon surrounding them as the sun completely vanished.

The only source of light they had now was the dim glimmer of the moon, which gently sprinked their bodies as they stood still by the ocean, as the waves were softly lapping against the shore.

"You're leaving tomorrow." Tinka suddenly asked, breaking the silence.

"Yes." Minos responded, causing silence to once again consume the two.

"Minos, never stop for me, instead go farther. Everything you see, I'll see." Tinka said as she turned towards Minos with a gentle smile on her face.

Minos knew that Tinka was only half genuine when she said this. Part of her wanted to see Minos reach the peaks of the world, but another part just wanted him to stay behind her forever.

She only said this because she didn't want to slow down Minos, and she knew he already had a lot of pressure on his shoulders.

"With you as my wings, how could I be worried about not going far." Minos returned with a smile.

"If I'm your wings, then you must be my eyes." Tinka said, as she reached out her pinky for a promise.

Minos had taught her about the pinky promise in the past, and couldn't help but laugh as he saw it used against him, but without a moment's delay, he linked pinky fingers.


"Good!" Tinka said as she laughed brightly.

"Can you do one more thing for me before you go?" Tinka suddenly asked.

"Of course, anything you need." Minos said as he patted his chest heavily, causing Tinka to let out a giggle.

"Good, then first I want you to bend over so our faces can meet." Tinka said.

"No problem." Minos said as he slightly bent his knees, meeting Tinka's beautiful little face at the same level.

Before Minos could ask what exactly Tinka was planning to do, she shot forward, kissing Minos heavily on his lips.

Minos was shocked, more shocked then when he found the underground world, more shocked then when he found the Nine Sword Divinity's grave, even more shocked then when he was given the Heaven-Sundering Sword.

His mind went blank as the only thing left was the warmth from Tinka's lips. He didn't fight back, instead reciprocating the kiss.

The two eventually separated, but not because they were done kissing, but only because Tinka needed to breathe.

Their passionate exchange continued for what seemed to be hours, and Minos as a man instinctively wanted more, but before he could do anything other than kissing, Tinka stopped him.

"We are still young, we can do those things in the future." She said with a laugh as she saw Minos's face go black in frustration.

"You're right." As much as Minos wanted to argue, he didn't want to go against Tinka's wishes, so he decided this would just have to be a blessing he could only enjoy in the future.

As their little love session had come to an end, the two finally headed back home, officially ending the day.

Minos woke up bright and early as usual, but this time things were a little different. Ronkus, Meninka, and Tinka had all already woken up, having prepared an extremely extravagant breakfast.

There were all sorts of fruits and vegetables on the table, quite a few Minos had never even seen before.

"Today's your last day, come enjoy, this is the least we can do before you go." Ronkus said as he welcomed Minos to the table.

"Many thanks, but you really didn't have to do so much." Minos said.

"It's not much, heavens only know when we'll see you again so this breakfast is only a small thing." Meninka said.

"Yeah Minos, eat up, I don't want you losing your way back because of hunger." Tinka said with a smile, trying her hardest to hide the depression in her heart.

"Well, thank you everyone." Minos said, not pushing back anymore, instead feasting on the luxurious meal like a king.

The party of four soon finished their meal, which also seemed to signal Minos's leaving. Minos said one more thanks as he cleaned up his plate.

"Take care on your journeys boy, and be sure to visit my little Tinka often." Ronkus said as he shook Minos's hand heavily, nearly lifting him into the air.

"And don't forget to be safe." Meninka added as she stuffed a few dumplings into Minos's hand for the trip.

"Minos, don't forget about me." Tinka added at the end, her eyes moist.

"I'll never forget you, or the Salt Breathing Tribe that has shown me so much kindness. Take care patriarch, Miss Meninka, and Tinka."

"Take care everyone, I'll visit as soon as possible." Minos finished with a big smile as he finally exited the house, leaving the family of three in silence.

As Minos was walking down the beach, about to enter back into the Underwood Mountain Range, he suddenly heard a shout behind him.

"Wait." An exhausted Tinka said, as she caught up with Minos.

"Tinka, what is it?" Minos asked, confused.

"I almost forgot to give you your present." Tinka said with a smirk.


"Yeah, this!" Tinka said as she pulled out a small sculpture of Minos and Tinka hugging tightly.

Minos took the sculpture carefully as he inspected it with a smile. He soon reached out and gave Tinka a hug, replicating the sculpture.

"Thank you Tinka, this means the world to me."

"It doesn't compare to the ring you gave to me." Tinka said, feeling her gift couldn't compare to the value of Minos's

"You're right, it doesn't compare. My present was just something I picked up, whereas yours was something you crafted with your own two hands. Thank you for giving me something so much more valuable." Minos smiled.

Minos always had a way of saying things that made Tinka feel better, and this was no different. The shame in her heart was quickly replaced with happiness as she heard Minos's genuine compliments.

"You know, you always know the right things to say to make me feel better." Tinka said with a bright smile.

"Really? I guess it just comes easy when I'm talking with you." Minos replied.

"See, you did it again." Tinka said with a laugh.

"Sorry, I can't help myself." Minos returned with a laugh. The two laughed for a little longer as they said their final goodbyes.