Lost At Sea

Minos couldn't read Tinka's mind, but seeing her emotional aura that was in a calm and loving color, he knew she was okay.

He would be lying if he said having Tinka here didn't make him feel better, so despite having the extra worry of taking care of her, he was still happy to just have her by his side.

The two didn't speak anymore, instead laying down on the boat as the storm continued, ignoring the two as if they didn't exist.

Minos used his body to shelter Tinka from the rain, providing her both warmth and safety. Tinka naturally saw what Minos was doing, but didn't say anything, instead just appreciating Minos's protection in silence.

Hours passed as the two maintained this position, the storm slightly dying down as the day passed and night came.

The first thing to settle was the rain, which slowly reduced back down to a weak drizzle, and then the wind, which stopped its fierce assault.

The waves began dying down, becoming weaker and weaker, soon reducing the ocean back to peace and tranquility.

As the waves disappeared, so did the rain, as well as the clouds. The flickering of the stars and the brilliance of the moon soon began breaking through the clouds, appearing across the sky once more.

The dark sea was once again blessed by the glimmer of the celestial bodies, finally re-introducing light to an area that had just been consumed by darkness.

"Look Minos, the stars!" Tinka said, pointing up towards the sky.

"Seems like we survived." Minos said with a smile.

"I guess the heavens don't hate us that much." Tinka replied with a laugh.

"Yeah, but I didn't catch you a fish." Minos said.

"Forget the fish, what could be a better marriage proposal than surviving life and death together!" Tinka said, making Minos laugh.

"You're right, there's nothing better, but still, I wanted to show off to the tribe members." Minos said.

"Forget about them, compared to a fish, this experience is a million times more valuable, something no one else has." Tinka said.

"Something unique to us, huh? But more than any experience, it's just good to be alive, and better to be alive with you." Minos said, as gripped Tinka's hand tightly.

Tinka didn't respond, just smiling back at Minos. The two look at each other for a moment, before leaning in naturally, kissing under the twinkling of the stars.

After a moment of embracing, the two split back apart. Despite the good mood, now was not the time to get lost in romance.

"The only problem we have now is that the storm tossed us into a completely unknown area. It's going to be a struggle to get back." Minos said as he looked around the ocean, in an attempt to find anything to establish his current location.

"Let's just follow the watergulls, they'll take us to land." Tinka suggested.

"The problem is the watergulls might just take us to an island, which wouldn't help much with finding our way back home." Minos responded.

"Well it's better than drifting at sea aimlessly." Tinka said.

"You're right, let's keep our eyes out then." Minos replied.

Having decided a goal, the two waited patiently for any watergulls to fly past. Unfortunately for them it was late right now, so there was little activity in the area.

It was only after waiting another hour, when the sun finally started breaking from beyond the horizon, did a watergull appear.

Spotting the watergull, the two jumped right into action, using their paddles to follow it with full force.

It didn't take much rowing for the two to arrive at a small island. The watergull they had followed was perched up on a tree, grooming its feathers.

Once they were close enough, Minos jumped off the boat, using his tremendous strength to lug it onto the land to keep it from floating away.

Once the boat was completely on land, Minos helped Tinka down. Looking around, the two realized the island was quite small, only about a kilometer or so across.

"I hope there's something to eat on this island, I'm hungry." Tinka said.

"How's watergull sound?" Minos asked.

"No, we can't kill him, he helped us." Tinka said, making Minos laugh.

"That's true, guess we'll have to find something else then."

As a cultivator, Minos could go long stretches of time without eating, but naturally Tinka wasn't the same, having been starving for quite a while now.

Walking around the island hand in hand, the two looked around for anything edible. They eventually stumbled upon a tree that grew pinkish-red berries.

"Do you know what these are?" Minos asked, as he plucked down a berry.

"Hmm, it kinda looks like a pink-horn berry, but not quite the same." Tinka said.

Since neither of them knew whether it was edible or not, Minos decided to test it. Cutting off a slice, he tossed it up onto the branch where the watergull was, having it land right in front of it.

The watergull was clearly caught off guard by the sudden appearance of fruit, causing it to jump back, however it soon realized there was no threat.

Pecking at the berry for a moment, the watergull eventually tossed it up into the air, swallowing it in a single gulp.

After waiting for a moment, Minos realized the watergull was completely fine. However he still wasn't completely sure, so he proceeded to eat a berry for himself.

Biting down on the berry, a burst of juice exploded in his mouth, filling it with a strong sweet flavor that he had never really experienced before.

"Woah, amazing!" Minos couldn't help but exclaim.

"Is it really that tasty? I want a try!" Tinka said, reaching for a berry.

Before she could reach though, Minos stopped her. Despite how tasty the berry was, he still wasn't sure of its safety, so he didn't want Tinka to risk anything.

"Let me digest this first, if nothing bad happens, then you can have one." Minos said, as he tossed another berry into his mouth.

"Fine." Tinka said, accepting Minos's logic.

However as she watched Minos down more and more berries, she started to get annoyed, feeling like Minos was just trying to hog them for himself.

"You liar, you just said that so you can have them all for yourself!" Tinka said, pointing at Minos as if she had just discovered a grand conspiracy.

"You're thinking too much, maybe it's only lethal with a sufficient enough dose? I'm just testing all grounds. Besides, I also need time to digest it properly." Minos said honestly, eating another berry.

"Argh, I'm not falling for it anymore." Tinka shouted righteously, deciding to take a berry for herself.

This time Minos didn't stop her, letting her grab a handful of berries. However, just as she was about to drop them down her mouth, she heard Minos groaning.

"Ugh, my stomach, my stomach!" Minos said, as he gripped at his stomach, collapsing onto the floor.

"Minos! Minos! Are you okay?" Tinka said with worry, as she grabbed Minos, helping him down onto the floor.

"Please be safe, I won't eat any, I swear." Tinka said as her eyes began tearing up.

"Please Tinka, one more taste before I go." Minos said, grabbing at her hand.

"No, they've already done enough harm to you." Tinka said, pulling her arm back.

"Just one more handful, I'll be fine I swear." Minos begged.

"Fine, just one more." Tinka said with tears, feeding Minos the berries she had just grabbed for herself.

Minos chewed the berries weakly, as if he was about to go at any second. After half an hour of such acting, with Tinka becoming more and more worried, he suddenly jumped up with full strength.

"Hey, would you look at that, I'm fine!" Minos said in wonder.

"Huh, you bastard, that was all an act!" Tinka said in rage, as she pounded at Minos's chest with all her strength.

"I needed time to digest them, which you wouldn't give me, so I had to put on the act to stop you." Minos said.

"You idiot, never do something like that ever again." She said.

"If you just listened to me, I wouldn't have had to." Minos said.

"Had you just told me the truth, I would have listened." Tinka said.

"Really?" Minos questioned.

"Uhhh, probably not." Tinka replied honestly.

"How about we both admit we were wrong. I was wrong to trick you, and you were wrong to ignore me." Minos said.

"Fine, but never, ever, ever, do something like that again, do you understand?" Tinka warned.

"How about we just promise to always be honest to each other in the future." Minos said.

"Good, then let's seal it with a pinky promise!" Tinka said, extending her pinky finger out to Minos