"Yes!" The two shouted, before heading out the room and calling the others.
"Mr Minos, you wanted to see us?" The oldest girl asked as she walked into the room, a dense array of children behind her.
"You guys are no longer children, so from now on, you'll be put to work. Does anyone have any complaints?" Minos asked.
"No!" Everyone said, having long since wanted to help Minos after all the things he had done for them.
"Good! Next, I'm going to ask you guys a few questions, and based on that, I'll give you your future roles. Let's start with you." Minos said, as he pointed to the oldest girl.
The test was actually a lie, rather, Minos was simply using his Omniscient Eyes to scan each child, understanding all their strengths and weaknesses far better then even themselves.
With a quick scan, he could easily determine where they would best fit, therefore separating them into the Intelligence Corps or Trading Corps on that basis.
Of course, not all children were talented in this regard, and rather their potential lay in completely different directions, some being future weapon refiners, other talisman makers.
For those children, he put them on the side temporarily, deciding to teach them these skills in the future so that they could directly supply the Trading Corps.
For those with talisman talent, he planned to give them to Rubella, her talisman skills having already reached Two-Moon's after all these years, making her more than sufficient as a teacher.
As for those with weapon refining skills, he planned on taking them to Okrum, to see if he was willing to teach them, which would naturally be best.
If not, then he could just talk to Zatiana, and while her skills couldn't compare to Okrum, she was at the very least a Two-Moon weapon refiner, which was enough.
While he would be the best teacher, he had plenty of other things to do, so that wasn't a possibility.
After sorting all the children out, he called Rubella and Beetus back into the room, quickly explaining his decisions.
With that done, the children were split into two groups, one working directly under Rubella, and the other Beetus.
"For now, you guys will all have the rank of One-Moon, your salary being one Nux Crystal a month. Rubella and Beetus as the heads are Five-Moon's, receiving one Nux Stone a month."
"Based on your performances, you will receive promotions, which will naturally include an increase in your salary, so work hard."
"As for those of you with auxiliary occupations, any sale of your creations will earn you contribution points, which can be used to buy goods at a discount or directly traded for more Nux Crystals."
"While that may seem irrelevant now, I hope it acts as a reminder for you guys to try and obtain a skill if possible, even those who may not have the talent."
"Of course there's much more than that, but I don't want to talk your guys ears off, so I'll prepare a document with all the smaller details by tomorrow. Remembering, reading it is not optional." Minos stated firmly.
"Yes!" Everyone said, heeding Minos's words.
"Good, dismissed." Minos said, sending everyone out, but once again leaving Rubella and Beetus behind.
As the heads, there was a lot of information Minos had to tell them about, so after another few hours of careful explanations, he sent them off as well.
The joy of his return was quickly washed away by the bureaucracy of setting up all these new systems, but Minos was just happy that there were no bad apples making his job harder.
His Omniscient Eyes weren't only great at learning, but arguably, they were even better at making him a leader, allowing him to know where everyone's heart lies, and where their talent would best be put to use.
With everyone being a team player, things would go much smoother, so with Beetus and Rubella gone, Minos pulled out a sheet of paper and got to work writing out the bylaws of their organization.
He had introduced a contribution system so that he could keep the organization's wealth within its own hands, and furthermore, this system made it so it was much cheaper to buy directly from the organization than from anywhere else.
In fact, the organization would make pretty much no money from intrades, rather, their biggest source of wealth would be from outsiders.
This may seem foolish, but this was again a means of strengthening the organization itself, allowing its members to improve much faster then they would anywhere else.
This wasn't a special method or anything, and pretty much all sects and powers would use a similar system, but that just further proved its value.
While Minos had no doubts about the first generation of his organization, once they began recruiting more people, he needed a solid system that incentivized loyalty and hard work.
Talking about the organization, it was about time to officially give it a name. Thinking for a while, Minos decided to call everyone back in, deciding it would be best if the name was something everyone would agree on.
"I called you guys here because it's about time to give our group a name. So does anyone have any ideas?"
"I do! Let's call it the Rubella Squad!" Rubella suggested.
"Rubella Squad? Sounds ugly." Beetus said.
"Ugly? You're the ugly one, you big brute." Rubella shouted.
"Alright, enough of this Rubella, there are times for jokes and this isn't one of them." Minos said firmly, causing Rubella to shrink back into her seat in defeat.
"Anyone else?" He continued.
"Hmm, how about Big Boss United?" Beetus said.
"Sounds silly." One child said.
"I don't like it either." Another added.
"How about Shadow Legion! Doesn't that sound cool?"
"Cool? More like lame. You need to stop reading those books and spend more time cultivating."
"Reading is part of my cultivation, how many times do I have to tell you that!"
Soon enough, the group dissolved into a shouting contest, everyone trying to get their ideas out, though all it did was cause Minos a headache.
"Silence." Minos said, instantly quieting the crowd.
Even though his voice wasn't loud, it had an innate majesty, suppressing everyone down into their seats.
"This is an organization, not a circus. You can play around all you like outside, but remember, when you are here, you talk with grace and deal with etiquette, understood?" Minos said sternly.
"Understood!" Everyone echoed.
"If I see any of you behaving like that again, it'll be a mark against you for any future promotions, so for your own sake, don't test me."
Minos's voice lacked any threatening intent, but everyone knew he wasn't someone to mess with, so they took his words very seriously.
"Good. From now on, whoever I point at, it's your turn to speak. Let's begin with you." Minos said, as he pointed towards the oldest girl in the group, who also happened to be one of the few who wasn't shouting earlier.
"I think we should call ourselves the Orphan Collective." She said.
"Hmm, what does everyone think? And remember, one at a time." Minos said.
Soon enough, a teenage boy took the lead talking, and with Minos's warning from before, no one interrupted him.
"I think the Orphan Collective doesn't sound powerful enough. I don't think it does our group justice."
With the boy's words, a few others couldn't help but nod in agreement, also thinking the name was a bit weak.
"Actually, I think we should let Mr Minos come up with the name, after all, he was the one who gave us a second chance at life." The teenage boy continued.
Hearing his words, everyone nodded in agreement once more, realizing that was the best solution, so they all started looking at Minos.
"Since you've all agreed, then I actually do have a name in mind. Trin's Abode." Minos said, confusing everyone.
"Trin's Abode? Who's Trin?" Rubella asked.
"My mother, consider it a little selfishness from my end." Minos said honestly.
"Hmm, since it's Bosses mom, how could we decline it? I'm in!" Beetus said, the first to support Minos.
"Me too!"
Soon enough, everyone supported Minos's decision, even the ones who didn't exactly like that name still agreed, leaving the vote unanimous.
"Well then, from now on, we'll be called Trin's Abode!" Minos said with a smile.
"Let's celebrate!"
"Let's all go to your favorite restaurant, on me." Minos said, causing more cheers.