
"Yayy!" Rinka said happily, meanwhile Tinka couldn't help but shout in pain, as if feeling each stomp on the couch deep in her soul.

Collapsing backwards, the whole family landed on the couch, tucked away in Minos's arms, Rinka still giggling hard from the fun.

"Do you have to undermine me every time you bastard!" Tinka said, annoyed, while lightly thumping Minos's chest.

"Rinka's still young, besides, her training isn't easy, so it's important we aren't too strict." Minos whispered in his wife's ear.

Looking back at her little girl who was still laughing, Tinka's frown couldn't help but turn into a smile, finally agreeing with Minos.

"You're right, but no more jumping on my furniture!" She admonished.

"No worries, I think I can build something even better than this couch." Minos smiled.

"Also, I have good news." Minos said, sitting up, Tinka on one side and Rinka on the other.

"What is it dad?" Rinka asked curiously.

"I got us citizenship!"

"So fast?" Tinka exclaimed.

"Hehe, who do you think I am?" Minos couldn't help but brag.

"You're awesome dad!" Rinka shouted.

Despite knowing that things were far from simple, Tinka decided not to ask, after all, she trusted Minos 100%.

"Also I think we've got to change Rinka's hair color." Minos said.

"Huh, why?" Tinka asked, Rinka also looking at her dad with confusion.

"For safety." Minos said, deciding to be completely honest this time.

Onald's words had shocked him awake, and after thinking for a moment, he decided not to take any risks, deciding to dye Rinka's hair black just in case.

"Safety?" Both asked, still confused.

"It's a long story, but Rinka, from now on remember, you were born with black hair, okay?" Minos asked.

"Uhh, okay?" Rinka said, not quite understanding but knowing that her dad wouldn't harm her.

"Good girl." Minos smiled, rubbing his daughter's head.

Thankfully Rinka didn't fight him much and seemed to understand right away, which made Minos's life a lot easier.

So after heading out and buying the finest dye he could get, the family entered the bathroom and got to work dying Rinka's hair.

Finally, after a few hours, Rinka came out with a swirl, her white hair completely replaced with black.

"From now we'll have to dye it every few months." Minos said.

Despite both still being confused, they didn't say anything, just keeping Minos's stern warning in mind.

After that slight debacle, the family decided to head out to celebrate, Rinka immediately forgetting about her hair the second food was mentioned.

Of course, when night came and Minos forced Rinka to train again, her joy from the day immediately turned back into depression.

The next morning, Minos headed off to the Talisman Guild, wanting to get his citizenship as soon as possible, and luckily for him, Jebron took the matter seriously, having already prepared all the documents for him before he even arrived.

"You're all set, just make sure not to lose these." Jebron said.

"No worries, I'll guard them with my life." Minos replied with a smile.

"Hey, it's not that serious." Jebron laughed, before continuing.

"But what are your plans now?"

"Just look for work while also improving my talisman making skills." Minos explained.

"Well work should be easy given your skills. Also I'd recommend you sell any talisman you make to us since we buy it slightly higher than market value."

"Will do."

"If you plan on working now, the talisman guild has plenty of workrooms where all your needs will be taken care of. You can always book one with your gold certificate, which has the added bonus of getting you the nicest rooms with the best service." Jebron explained.

"That's convenient." Minos smiled.

"That's what the guild exists for after all, to streamline our work and make our lives easier." Jebron said with a laugh.

Thanking Jebron one more time, Minos secured the documents in his spatial ring before heading towards the receptionist, booking a room like Jebron had talked about.

After showing his gold card, the receptionist's eyes immediately began glimmering, her attitude towards Minos instantly shifting for the better.

"Follow me Sir. The gold rooms are on the third floor." She smiled gently, guided Minos upstairs.

After heading upstairs and entering a luxurious room with everything a talisman maker could ask for, Minos got comfortable in his seat.

"What materials do you need, Sir?"

Thinking for a moment, Minos began listing off a few items he needed to make Four-Moon Talismans.

"I'll have someone get that for you right away!" The receptionist said, speeding off to accomplish her task.

It didn't take much time for a new lady to enter the room, her hands carrying a large tray filled with everything Minos asked for.

After thanking her, Minos locked the door and got right to work, planning to create a few talismans to keep his family fed.

While he still wanted to make his communication empire, he knew that was a massive project that would take months if not years before it saw any revenue, so he still needed a way to earn money in the present.

Fortunately, a single Four-Moon Talisman was already the income most people in Aleph City earned after a day of work, and he planned on making a dozen of them.

So having only entered the city for a few days, Minos's earning had immediately skyrocketed to the upper middle-class, having already entered a realm most people in Aleph City would have spent their entire lives not seeing.

Of course work was just a means to an end for him, and he didn't plan on spending his entire day on it, so after spending a few hours creating a dozen talismans, he ended his short work day.

Pressing a special button on the side of the desk, Minos only waited a few seconds before a knock came to his door, unlocking it to find the girl from before.

"How can I help you Sir?"

"I want to sell my talismans."

"Would you like to receive contribution points or Nux Stones?"

"Just Nux Stones for now."

"Very well, then let's see. A dozen Four-Moon Talismans, according to the price of 11 Nux Stones per piece, here is 132 Nux Stones Sir." The lady said, handing a small pouch to Minos.

"And how would you like to pay for your materials, Sir?"

"Nux Stones as well." Minos replied, deciding not to waste contribution points on it.

"Well then let's see… That'll be 12 Nux Stones."

Handing the Nux Stones over, Minos was left with 120, a profit of around 1000%, which was enough to make most people's eyes turn red.

After thanking the lady one more time, Minos decided to head off towards the library, having been interested in it the moment Jebron mentioned it.

Showing his gold card, Minos immediately gained full access to the massive library that seemed to take up a street all on its own.

Entering inside, Minos looked around with shining eyes, feeling like he was a fish back in water.

While one couldn't actually find any direct guides on how to create certain talismans here, they could still find an abundance of information, all completely free.

For direct guides on how to make talismans, one would have to buy them using contribution points, a majority of which would go to the person who created the guide.

On top of that, if someone registered a new talisman, not only would they earn contribution points every time someone bought their guide, they would also earn a small amount for every talisman sold.

For that reason, it was every talisman maker's dream to create new talismans that took the market by storm, so they no longer had to spend so much time crafting talismans, and instead could just sit back as they earned residual income.

Minos wasn't thinking that deeply, however, and was instead just interested in the library, wanting nothing more than to just absorb everything here, and looking towards the bookshelves that towered into the ceilings, he immediately got to work.