Guild Master's Message

Any more blood and the concoction would no longer be as responsive, whereas more Dancing Sand would simply destroy it's spiritual nature entirely, reducing it to a mortal material.

Thinking for a moment, Minos decided to call his concoction, 'Dancing Blood,' which in most people's eyes was just a strange gimmick, but to Minos, had incredible value.

His Dancing Blood was already super responsive, and even the slightest noise would make it wiggle.

After dipping his talisman pen into a small plate of Dancing Blood, Minos finally used it to create his first talisman.

After a quick job, Minos created another Keylock Talisman, before once again tapping to see how it responded.

Just like how he expected, the Dancing Blood on the talisman's surface began moving, but after a while, Minos found that it had slowly drifted off the talisman paper completely.

He had already expected such a result, and this test was only for the purpose of making sure that the Dancing Blood would still work even after it dried.

Having already considered such a problem, he naturally also had a solution, which once again came back to the Bleeding Technique.

Creating another Keylock Talisman underneath the surface of the talisman, Minos signed the edges with a weak flame to make sure it was completely sealed, before once again tapping.

This time the blood moved like normal, but once it reached the edges, it couldn't move anymore, trapped completely within the talisman.

Applying the same rhythm from before, the Dancing Blood would move like normal before settling in place once the noise came to a stop.

After letting it settle, Minos created another Signal Talisman, this one with a key that matched the current pattern on the new Keylock Talisman.

A little nervous at first, Minos activated the Keylock Talisman, not sure such a method would actually work.

But after a bit of patience, the Signal Talisman glowed, having received the signal with no problems.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Minos changed the pattern once more through a few loud claps before activating it again.

This time, like he had already predicted, nothing happened, this was naturally because the new pattern didn't match any of the Signal Talismans.

Feeling invigorated by success, Minos got to work on his next talisman, which was a Sound Talisman.

Sound Talisman already existed, however they were pretty much just considered playthings, and were usually made by apprentice talisman makers as practice.

Minos couldn't help but feel that the things other people ignored had suddenly become treasures for him, allowing him to create a system that no one else could have ever imagined.

It wasn't to say that no one else has ever thought of such a conception, but it was only Minos, with his knowledge from the Lukalu people, who could actually bring it to fruition.

After creating a few Sound Talisman's to get comfortable with it, Minos used the Bleeding Technique to imbue one within the Keylock Talisman.

Holding the other one in his hand, Minos activated it, causing the Sound Talisman underneath the Keylock Talisman to begin buzzing.

The buzzing sound quickly changed the blood pattern on the Keylock Talisman's surface, once again creating a completely new design.

But altering the Sound Talisman, Minos could create an untold number of sounds, which also meant he could create practically infinite 'keys.'

However, much like the vast majority of talisman's, the Sound Talisman was also a one time use.

Fortunately, through Minos's long studies on how to extend the Signal Talisman's lifespan, he already knew how to deal with such a problem.

Without much effort, he managed to create a new and improved Sound Talisman that could last for a long time without any maintenance.

With the new Sound Talisman, Minos could change the Keylock's pattern from a long distance, alternating the Sound Talisman depending on which pattern/key he wanted.

After that, Minos stumbled upon a few more problems, smoothing them out one by one until he finally was satisfied.

By now, the sun that had set had already once again risen, remdining Minos that he'd already spent an entire day locked away.

Of course, compared to his previous retreats, this was nothing, but still, this was ultimately not his own domain, so Minos decided to head home.

Besides, he also had to create a few more Communication Devices and connect them with this new system, which wouldn't be easy.

The tools needed to create the Communication Device was completely lacking in the Talisman Guild, fortunately Minos was quite wealthy by now, so he planned on slowly creating a lab underneath his own house.

While he could head to the Weapon Refining Guild and use their equipment, the tools he needed were more specialized, not to mention, he had no plans exposing his weapon refining talent, being a talisman genius was more than enough.

Just as he opened the door, he noticed the maid that had been helping him was sitting down on the wall across from him.

Seeing the door finally swinging opening, the maid jumped up joyously, having clearly been waiting for a long time.

"Mister Minos, Mister Jebron would like to speak to you!" She quickly said.

"Mister Jebron? Alright, but next time you want to talk to me, just knock, no need to spend hours waiting." Minos said.

"No, no, no. Mister Jebron insisted that I not bother you!" The girl said, quickly waving her hands.

"Well thank you for your efforts, here." Minos said, tossing her a couple of Nux Stones.

Eyes shining, the girl thanked Minos profusely a few times before heading off to continue with her work.

Heading down the hall, Minos soon arrived at Jebron's office, knocking gently a few times before being welcomed in.

"Minos! Finally done? It's no wonder your skills are so refined, I've rarely seen someone so obsessed with talisman's!" Jebron said with a laugh.

"Like they say, a skill loved is a skill mastered." Minos replied with a smile.

"A skill loved is a skill mastered? I've never heard of such a saying, but it's quite nice. Anyways, let's get straight to the point, I've got important news." Jebron said, his tone suddenly becoming serious.

"Oh? What is it?" Minos asked, taking a seat across from Jebron.

"It's the Guild Master, I sent him a message about you a few months ago, but he's been quite busy with work, so he hasn't had a chance to reply."

"But just yesterday, I finally got a message back stating that he was going to return at the end of the week and that he'd like to meet you."

"Guild Master? Well I'll make sure to clear my schedule." Minos replied.

"Good, but that's only one part of the news. The second part is a mission, a mission that the Guild Master himself decided to give you, as a test of sorts." Jebron said.

"Mission? I'm quite busy, so I'm not so sure I'm the right person." Minos said, wanting to decline.

"Don't be so quick to reject. This mission isn't very difficult, but the reward is enough to even make me envious." Jebron said, his eyes honest.

"Really? What is it?" Minos asked, his interest piqued.

"You can obtain any piece of Seven-Moon knowledge of your choosing." Jebron said.

Hearing this, even Minos was slightly shocked, after all, Seven-Moon knowledge was all incredibly valuable.

It ranged from Seven-Moon Talismans to even special skills, like the Imposition Technique Minos had read about in the past.

Minos had been wanting the Imposition Technique ever since he had first laid his eyes on it, but who knew the opportunity would come so fast?

Of course even then Minos still didn't want to take any unnecessary risks, so before making sure of the mission, he wouldn't accept.

"As for the mission, it's both simple and complex…" Jebron said, even himself feeling this mission was asking a bit much.

"What do you mean?" Minos asked.

"It's simple in that there's no danger involved, but the complexity comes from the difficulty. Simply put, there was an ancient talisman guide that the Guild Master got his hands on a few years ago."

"The talisman was called the Nux Gathering Talisman, and while the talisman itself is only around the Four-Moon grade or so, the value is in its nature."

"The Guild Master wanted to create this Nux Gathering Talisman before elevating its grade, hoping to push it to the Seven-Moon level, but who knew he'd fail at the first step."

"The guide he got was simply too fractured to recreate, and he failed to even create the Four-Moon version, so he eventually gave up."

"Eventually, this became a bit of a challenge around the Talisman Guild, everyone rushing to be the first one to successfully recreate it, but as you can probably guess, everyone's failed so far."

"When the Guild Master heard about your talent, he probably immediately thought about this Nux Gathering Talisman, so here we are. So, what do you say?" Jebron asked.

"It's worth a try." Minos said, having no need to refuse such a low risk high reward task.