
With the number written, Minos pressed call, his wait not lasting long as the other Rovo right beside him began flashing and ringing.

Picking it up, Minos pressed answer, causing the screen to quickly shift before it began perfectly reflecting what the other Rovo was seeing.

Looking into one Rovo, Minos could see his face clearly in the other, causing a smile to unconsciously form on his face.

With the video working perfectly, Minos tested the audio, saying a hello a few times to make sure everything worked properly.

The test was completed without a hitch, causing Minos to let out a sigh of relief, after all, who wanted to waste time if they had the option not to.

Clicking the end call button, Minos turned the two Rovo's back off before he began thinking about how to bring this system into reality.

Everything was there, he just needed the manpower and resources, and he could do the rest.

He could afford to create a few Rovo's, but to create millions was naturally out of the budget, not to mention creating the many signal towers needed for his system to actually work.

Now was the time when he had to bring in investors, fortunately, the Guild Master was coming back in a few days, and who would make a better partner.

Of course Minos didn't plan on just revealing things right away, instead he wanted to figure out the Guild Masters character first and go from there.

For other people, you could never really know one's character even if you spent a lifetime with them, but Minos had Omniscient Eyes, so he only needed a single glance to see a person's true nature.

Not to mention his Heart Path abilities strengthened that even more, which made it impossible for people to deceive him.

The next few days passed in a flash, Minos spending most of his time improving his lab and creating the tools he needed.

Of course he hadn't forgotten about the mission Jebron had given him, and his free time was mostly dedicated to studying the Nux Gathering Talisman.

However his progress was minimal, mostly because the guide had been fractured to the point where he essentially had to create the talisman from scratch.

While he could still accomplish it if he invested all his time, Minos decided to head back to the Talisman Guild library and bulk up his knowledge first.

He had only touched a small portion of the library and yet his talisman skills had already advanced tremendously, so one could imagine how much better his skills would be once he mastered all that information.

Like the saying goes, sharpening the ax won't delay the work, and similarly, studying won't delay this mission.

But his study session would have to wait for another time, after all, today was the day the Guild Master was finally coming back.

Cleaning up the underground chamber and storing away his puppets, Minos headed back upstairs into the basement, sealing the entrance completely before heading out.

Putting on his nicest coat, Minos walked outside and whistled for a carriage, before hopping on and telling the coachman his destination.

An hour quickly passed and finally the Talisman Guild came into sight. Thanking the coachman, Minos tossed him his payment before heading off.

Entering the guild, Minos immediately noticed something different, and that was the amount of people here.

It went without saying that the Talisman Guild was a popular place, but even then, Minos had never seen it this full.

It didn't take much thinking for Minos to realize this was likely due to the Guild Master, but even then, he was still a bit confused.

While the Guild Master was famous, he was out of reach and out of mind for most people, so his return should only interest the higher ups within the guild.

But right now, it seemed everyone had arrived, from the First-Moon Talisman Masters all the way to the Fifth-Moon.

As for how Minos could tell their ranks, it was their robes that they wore with pride, their ranks stitched directly onto the chest pocket.

Realizing that just thinking aimlessly was pointless, Minos nudged the person closest to him, causing the man to turn around with an irritated face.

However the moment he saw Minos, whose performance was already well known throughout the guild, his annoyed face immediately turned into a pleasing smile.

"Ahh, Mister Minos, do you need something?" The man asked, his attitude humble.

"I just wanted to ask if you knew what was happening here. Why are so many people gathered?" Minos said, getting straight to the point.

"Ahh, you don't know?" The man asked, a little shocked.

"Why do you think I'm asking?" Minos said, his brow slightly raised.

"My mistake, my mistake! It's just this news that has pretty much spread throughout Aleph City by this point, so I'm surprised you don't know." The man said.

Minos had spent the last week completely secluded in his underground chamber, so it was normal that he hadn't heard anything. 

However, for the news to have spread throughout the entire city shocked even Minos, having not expected something so big would happen while he was in seclusion.

His mood somber, Minos looked directly into the man's eyes, as if asking him why he had stopped talking.

"Ahum, anyways, it's the Guild Master, not only our Guild Master, but also the Weapon Refining Guild's Master, the Alchemy Guild's Master, the Formation Guild's Master, The Medi-"

"Get to the point." Minos said, getting irritated by the man's meandering.

"Yes, yes! The point is that our Guild Master originally found an undiscovered realm while he was traveling, which was massive news alone."

"Unfortunately the realm was sealed off, and it was completely beyond the Guild Master's means to open it, having spent months trying to decipher it."

"Who knew that during this process, someone else would discover the realm and spread the news out."

"Our Guild Master alone was far from strong enough to take exclusive control of this realm, so he was forced to team up with the other Guild Master's."

"But even then, the seal on this realm was still unbudgeable, even with all the Guild Master's working together."

"After years had passed and zero progress was made, everyone had slowly forgotten about the realm, and even the Guild Master's were close to giving up as well."

"But who knew that something would change, and all of a sudden, the realm that seemed unbreakable, suddenly moved."

"The seal began slowly dissipating, and the Guild Master realized that within a month, the seal would have vanished by itself, meaning the realm would finally open!"

"That's why we're here, waiting for the Guild Master to recruit people to explore the realm with him." The man finally finished, his eyes shining as he envisioned his future.

Realms were both treasures and curses, being places of tremendous danger but also holding incredible value.

Compared to the possible gain, the danger wasn't worth mentioning, so the second the news spread, everyone gathered.

"How do you know the Guild Master is going to recruit people? Wouldn't it be better to just search it on his own with the other Guild Master's." Minos asked.

"The Guild Master himself said so! Besides, who knows how big and dangerous the realm will be, the Guild Master probably wants some fodder to clear the way."

"Fodder? You're okay with that?" Minos asked, surprised by the man's self awareness.

"Worth it." The man smiled, before turning back to wait for the Guild Master.

Shaking his head, Minos also waited patiently, naturally not willing to miss such a great opportunity.

While he also agreed with the man's assessment that they were just fodder, fodder also came in tiers.

As a genius, Minos was at the end of that list, so unless something catastrophic happened, it likely wouldn't soon be his turn to take risks.

Besides, he was confident with his abilities, especially his Omniscient Eyes, which would make things much safer.

Of course risk still existed even with all of Minos's confidence, but life was inherently risky, and he wasn't the turtle-type that preferred hiding away in his shell until danger passed.

Clearing his thoughts, he kept waiting, and fortunately his wait didn't last long, a middle-aged man with graying hair soon descending the stairs.

Looking at the guild entrance that had been filled to the brim, the man nodded slightly before walking to the front of the room, people clearing out of the way as they saw him approach them.

"You must all already be aware of the news, so I won't waste any time on formalities, I'll keep it nice and simple."

"The realm we discovered is still a complete mystery, it could either hold treasures that could change all of our lives, or curses that could bring our stories to an end."

"However, I know our Talisman Guild doesn't raise cowards, so I'm sure even with the danger, most of our members still want to go."

"Unfortunately, the realm entrance isn't very stable, so at most we can bring in 400 or so people, and since I discovered the realm, I managed to get 100 places for us."