Coming Storm

"Don't worry Dad, while I can't say much about studying, I'm already used to cultivating every day, so that shouldn't be a problem!" Rinka said confidently.

"Good, it looks like the Nine Yin Maiden Sect is quite capable if they can even discipline a little rascal like you."

"Who are you calling a rascal!"

Laughing, the family enjoyed the rest of their breakfast before Rinka was dragged off to her studies, her sour-face making it clear she wasn't very fond of such a schedule.

"Don't you think it's a bit much? Rinka's still young after all…" Tinka said to her husband after she watched her daughter get taken off to her first class.

"Little Minos was doing this much and more at half her age, it's about time she grew up and realized that she won't always have her parents to protect her."


"Tinka, the future is unknown, heaven forbid one day she loses us, what will she do then? It's because I worry about her that I'm being a little harsh right now, like they say, suffer today so as to live tomorrow."

"You're right, but it still hurts to see her like that." Tinka sighed.

"Your daughter is stronger than she looks, smarter too. Give her a week, I'll bet these classes will be nothing to her soon enough."

"I hope so."

"No need to hope, I promise you as much. Now common, how about the two of us go shopping, consider it my way of saying sorry for yesterday's blunder."

"Shopping? Okay!" Tinka said excitedly, her obsession with clothes never failing to brighten her mood.

With the family reunited, the days passed in comfort, Minos's face constantly holding a smile, a testament to his good mood.

Little Minos had also become much closer, the slight awkwardness from the start dissipating as he became a natural part of the family.

With Little Minos's influence, Rinka began taking her lessons much more seriously, not satisfied with the idea of being worse than her own little brother.

The two had formed a competitive relationship, which helped propel them both to even higher heights, Rinka trying to catch up, and Little Minos trying to maintain his lead.

What satisfied Minos most, however, was Rinka's change in behavior, no longer as childish or spoiled as before, instead taking on a more noble and calm appearance, likely influenced by her brother.

Her arrogance had also been dulled by her constant defeats at Little Minos's hands, which taught her a valuable lesson in humility, making her always think before acting, unlike how she behaved in the past.

Of course, despite all her changes, she was still a little girl, so a little prodding from Minos never failed to get her riled up.

Like this, days turned to weeks which turned to months, and Minos started to feel like the happiness would never end, unfortunately for him, the heavens seemed determined to ruin him.

"Your Majesty, the soldiers are all positioned, we are ready whenever you give the command!" A general said as he kneeled towards Emperor Loyfin.

"Well done, it's just a shame it had to end like this." Emperor Loyfin said with a long sigh.

"Your Majesty, please don't blame yourself, it's that Rovo's fault for biting more than he could chew!"

"Exactly! How dare he try to usurp your power? He deserves a thousand deaths for such treason!"


"Silence. Despite his actions, he has still served the empire and its people loyally, so make sure to treat him well once you capture him." Emperor Loyfin commanded.

"Of course, your Majesty." The general responded.

"As for the Crown Prince?" One advisor asked.

"Tell him, now that everything is already set in place, this would be a good chance to test where his loyalty lies." Emperor Loyfin said.

"Right away, your Majesty!"

With the advisor running off to tell the Crown Prince the news, Emperor Loyfin threw out a few more commands, his piercing eyes looking out into the distance, his thoughts a mystery.

"Crown Prince, news from the Emperor, it's about Mister Rovo!" The advisor shouted as he knocked heavily at Little Minos's door.

"Mister Rovo, what's happening?" Little Minos asked as he swung the door open.

"Treason! Reliable sources claim Mister Rovo has used his wealth and influence to try to usurp the Emperor's throne."

"Impossible! My fa- I mean, Mister Rovo would never do such a thing." Little Minos shouted as he grabbed the advisor tightly by his collar.

"It's true, this source is absolutely true!"

"Hmph, I'll talk to him myself!" Little Minos said, tossing the advisor aside like a ragdoll.

After a quick jog, Little Minos arrived at the throne room, his grandfather seated upon his throne with a disinterested look on his face, a look that changed once he saw his beloved grandson arrive.

"If it isn't the Crown Prince himself, what brings you here?" Loyfin asked with a gentle smile.

"There's no need to put on this act, what's this matter of Mister Rovo committing treason?"

"Is it not straightforward? He did a crime, and he shall be punished for it, no more no less."

"I know Mister Rovo, and I know such an accusation is nothing more than a lie! Whoever your source is, he's a fraudster!" Little Minos shouted.

"Oh? Then what if I told you the source was me?" Emperor Loyfin replied, his face still smiling.

Hearing those words, everything immediately became clear, Little Minos realizing that this was a witch-hunt from its very inception.

"B-But, why?" He asked in a low voice.

"Why ask me a question you already know the answer to? As smart as you are, you're too prone to being controlled by your emotions, that isn't a good trait…"

"But Mister Rovo can still provide the empire so much more! Why strike him down now?!"

"You're right, in fact it hurts me tremendously to kill this golden goose of mine, but if he grows any larger, I'm afraid I'll no longer have the strength to slaughter him."

Head low, Little Minos didn't know what to say, instead just leaving the room as the Emperor watched on with interested eyes.

"Send a shadow after him, he's quite close to that Rovo fellow, so this may be the most important test of his life."

"As commanded." A shadowy-figure said, before vanishing after Little Minos.

Like the Emperor and his advisors expected, Little Minos immediately ran over to Minos's house, not even bothering to take his guards or carriage.

With his cultivation, he arrived after only a short while, not even bothering to knock, just kicking the door down before running straight to his fathers study.

"What brings you here, and in such an erratic mood?" Minos asked with a smile, though compared to Emperor Loyfin's smile that had a treacherous undertone, Minos's was as warm as the sun itself.

"It's the Emperor, he plans on attacking you, you've gotten too big for his comfort!" Little Minos said between gasps.

"Already? I thought he'd at least give me a few more years." Minos said with a laugh, seemingly not minding all.

"How could you laugh at a time like this? Your entire life's work is about to be destroyed!" Little Minos shouted with exasperation.

"My life's work? You mean my industries? Those are just means to an end. You, Rinka, Tinka, those are my life's works, and I have no plans on losing any of you." Minos smiled, gently stroking his son's hair.

Feeling his fathers gentle touch, Little Minos's rapidly beating heart suddenly calmed down, his father akin to a boulder that could protect him from anything.

"What are you going to do?" Little Minos asked after calming down somewhat.

"What else? It's about time to leave this place behind, I've already come close to reaching my limits, so it's about time I left anyways."

"Where will you go?"

"Who knows, I suppose I'll go where the wind blows me."

"I want to go with you!"

"No, this is your empire, you've got a future here that I could never give you. Besides you're young, save the exploring for when you're older."


"No buts, stay, rule, and take this empire to heights your grandfather never could."