Doing What's Necessary

With his massive stores of formation information, Minos immediately got to work applying it towards the broken formation inscribed on the rock floor, his mind slowly filling the gaps.

With his split-souls all working in unison, Minos could attempt multiple different solutions at the same time, discarding the ones that failed before refocusing his attention on the ones that showed promise.

With all his abilities activated at once, Minos was capable of solving problems at a speed that seemed impossible to understand.

While the faeries were watching with interest, the formation was slowly being re-created in Minos's mind, from 50% to 60%, 70%, etc.

Everytime he made the right move, the formation would take one step closer to success, and with his mind working at what seemed like the speed-of-light, the steps were more akin to running.

Before the faeries could watch for much longer, Minos got to work, having confirmed that his solution would work.

With the faeries having long since prepared everything he may need, Minos immediately jumped into action, slowly patching together the broken pieces of the formation.

Soon enough, the formation had gone from a broken mess to a master-piece once more, the pieces all put together in such harmony that it was akin to a painting.

As Minos inscribed the final piece, the dead formation seemed to whirl to life, a weak glow coming off from it, coloring the entire cave in a reddish-hue.

"You've done it, you've fixed it!" The elder said ecstatically, knowing that the formation would only react in such a way if it was fixed.

Smiling, Minos didn't say anything, just taking his daughter and placing her in the center of the formation, not forgetting to secure his backpack with billions in it onto her.

"I hope you don't deceive me." Minos said, as he watched the faeries gather around the formation.

"Don't worry, for us faeries, a promise is as important as life itself. Your daughter will be safe in our hands. As for the Faery-Flower Pollinate technique, it's in our storage room, along with all the other things we'll no longer need. Feel free to take it all."

"I believe you, as for everything else, thank you, and take care. I hope that the world of yours receives you kindly, and if Rinka ever asks about me or her mother, just tell her that we're fine, and that I'm sorry, sorry that I've failed to be the father I promised to be…"

"I will… And never forget, our planet is called The Great Sanctuary." The faery elder sighed, before activating the formation.

"Bye Mister Minos, and thanks for the help!"

"Bye, we'll be sure to take care of Rinka!"

"Yeah, we'll treat her like one of our own. She'll be our new sister!"


As all the faeries waved and shouted their final goodbyes, a strong light filled the cave, the formation inscription on the floor slowly rotating as a power encompassed those within it.

With time passing, the formation's rotation kept picking up, soon becoming so fast that it was only a blur.

As if finally reaching a critical point, the formation seemed to collapse into itself, quickly absorbing all the energy stored with it as it activated at full force.

However even after all the energy was used, the formation didn't seem to have enough, so it slowly began consuming itself to make up for the lost energy.

With a loud bang and a flash, Minos could only close his eyes for a moment before reopening them to an empty room, not only the faeries and Rinka gone, but the formation itself also being wiped completely.

Without enough energy, the formation could only activate through a special self-destruction method in which it used itself as the energy source required to make the final push.

With it gone, any hopes of Minos restoring it and joining Rinka were gone as well, and while he could recreate it due to his perfect memory, it wasn't that simple.

The formation was built with a special connection to that other world the faeries had spoken about, and while Minos could rebuild the formation itself, he couldn't rebuild that connection.

Unless of course he knew exactly where that world was and could re-establish the coordinates manually, but unfortunately, he only knew its name and nothing else.

Standing up, Minos looked towards the empty cave for a moment before walking towards the storage room, soon acquiring the Faery Flower-Pollinate technique alongside a few other resources the faeries had left behind.

After collecting them, Minos picked Tinka back up and headed off into the distance, not going to the Salt Breathing Tribe.

He was fully aware that his pursuers would catch him soon, so he had no plans of leading them towards any of his own people, instead walking directly south.

As he was walking, he read through the Faery Flower-Pollinate technique, his mind running rapidly as he tried reconfiguring the technique for human use.

Fortunately his access to knowledge didn't just stop at auxiliary occupations, and also included techniques of all types.

Because of that, while Minos still struggled with this new technique, he still had a direction in mind, slowly unraveling and reforming the technique in his own image.

While Minos was doing that, bounties related to him had started to spread like wild fire, his picture spreading everywhere as little Minos revealed the truth, also wanting to capture his father.

It didn't take much time for his portrait to appear inside every city, whether major or minor, the reward for his capture being so high that an entire generation had been spurred into a frenzy over his capture.

"Did you hear? Anyone who catches this Mister Rovo person will not only get 10 million Nux Stones, but will also be given a Seven-Moon Weapon of their choice, and a Complete Inner Heaven Technique!"

"My heaven's! What has that person done for the emperor to want his capture so badly?"

"Hmph, if you ask me, the reward is nothing!" One person grunted, seemingly dissatisfied.

"How greedy are you?"

"What do you know? Naive bastard."

"What did you call me?"

"What else should I call you? Don't you know anything about this Mister Rovo!? His wealth is in the billions, what does that chump change count for! If you ask me, even if I manage to capture him, I wouldn't tell a soul."

"Is that true, is he really that wealthy?" The man who was about to throw hands suddenly said in shock, pausing for a moment.

"It's natural you wouldn't know since you're just a country bumpkin, but anyone who's anyone is well aware of Mister Rovo, and just how big that name really is!" The man bragged with a smirk.

"If you ask me, you're both stupid, after all, a character like that isn't something people like us should even think about unless we have a death wish." One smarter person added.

"Speak for yourself weakling, as strong as that Mister Rovo is, it's confirmed he's only in the Inner Heaven Realm, so as long as we gather a couple dozen peak Nine Life Lock Cultivators, we could exhaust him to death!"

"Stupid." The smart person said as they shook their head, having already given this person a final goodbye in their head.

"Ignore that coward, those interested, just come sign up here, I've already got news about where Mister Rovo may be, so I just need the manpower!"

Despite some smarter cultivators ignoring his elicitation, there was no lack of head-strong people who felt like the challenge was up to task.

Without much time, the man managed to form a medium sized team, looking at that smarter cultivator with a smirk before heading off with his new crew.

Things like that weren't just happening at that bar, but were rather happening all over the continent, endless different teams forming with the sole purpose of capturing 'Mister Rovo'.

However, not everyone was bloodthirsty, and it didn't take long for a few of Minos's old friends to obtain the news as well.

"What's everyone gathered around for, what happened?" A loud voice said, immediately catching the crowd's attention.

"Elder Potin! It's nothing, we're just looking at this new bounty that's been posted. The reward is crazy!"

"Bounty? Let me see." Potin said, causing the group to immediately make way for him.

Walking up, Potin's eyes scanned the bounty board before his eyes suddenly paused, his breathing becoming slightly heavy as he stepped in closer towards the picture.

With a shaky hand, Potin ripped the portrait from the board, the familiar face being so close that he could no longer deny it.

'Minos!' He shouted internally; his behavior started to cause the crowd to look at him strangely.

"What's wrong, Elder Potin?" The same young man from before asked.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking this Mister Rovo looks quite similar to the Crown Prince…" Potin quickly deflected.