Zafronium Industrial Plant

"Where is this place?" Nufes asked his soldier as their massive team arrived at the factory grounds.

"This seems to be the Zafronium Industrial Plant." The soldier said after a moment's pause.

"Zafronium Industrial Plant? What is my sister doing running off over here?"

"Who knows and who cares. What's important now is that we've finally caught her, so it's finally time to get to fighting!" The Sixth Prince said with blood hungry laughter.

"Settle down brother, things are far from that simple…" The Seventh Prince said.

"Are you saying this is some sort of plot against us?" Orino asked.

"Isn't it obvious? To have run here of all places, she must be scheming something..." The Seventh replied.

"What do you think she's really up to, then?" Orino kept asking.

"Not sure, but it's better safe than sorry. Let's encircle the building and cut off all the exits before anything else."

"Good, then we'll do what you suggest." Nufes responded, splitting the team up into five smaller groups which he sent off to seal the exits.

Meanwhile he and the other faction leaders finally made their way towards the large industrial plant with the bulk of their team.

With a signal, one of Nufes men headed towards the large doors of the factory building and blasted it open with a heavy kick.

After making sure the space was clear, he called in the others, searching around for a bit before finding a staircase that headed deep into the earth.

"Your Majesty, it looks like they've escaped downwards." The soldier explained.

"She isn't making things easy for us, is she?" Nufes said with some annoyance, but still he called the others and started to make his way towards the stairs.

With a dozen soldiers walking ahead to make sure the path was safe, the group followed closely behind them, soon entering a massive underground area where the staircase ran alongside the walls in a spiral pattern.

Almost immediately, they noticed Princess Asumi and her men on the other side of the room, rapidly making their way down the stairs.

"Sister, where are you running off to? Spare yourself the exhaustion and just give in, we promise to spare you for the time being." Nufes shouted, his loud voice reaching her instantly.

"Hmph, if you want to capture me, do it, but don't think I'll make things easy!" Asumi shouted back.

"Since she wants to fight, let's give her a fight!" The Sixth Prince said excitedly, happy to see Princess Asumi so determined.

"Very well, I just hope you don't forget the grace we've given you." Nufes replied arrogantly.

"Don't go that far, brother. At the end of the day, she's our sister, so I still hope you won't forget your promise to me to spare her." The First Princess couldn't help but add, not forgetting to do so in a voice loud enough for Asumi to hear.

"I'll do as I can, but given her current behavior, I make no promises." Nufes said.

"Enough chatting, let's speed this up!"

With the Sixth Prince's insistence, the team regathered their focus, just moving faster so as to catch up with Princess Asumi.

However little did they know they were getting closer and closer to their eliminations, Asumi barely holding back her smile as she watched them enter the critical area.

Finally, as they entered the area completely, two men dropped down from the ceiling, cutting them off from both sides.

Shocked and confused, no one was quite sure what was happening, but two soldiers were hardly a threat against their large team, so they quickly settled.

"Two soldiers, that's it? What do you take us for, sixteenth sister?" Nufes couldn't help but say with a loud laugh as he saw the two men.

"Who said they're there to fight you?" Asumi said with a smile, turning back to face them.

Seeing her appearance, everyone's heart immediately dropped, Nufes about to shout for his men to destroy the two soldiers, but before he could, they acted.

With their legs planted firmly against the wall and their backs against the staircases handrails, they pushed strongly.

Normally, with only a mortal's strength, dislodging these heavy-duty stairs would be an impossible task, but Nissor had already untightened the screws in this area previously, making it much more fragile.

With the screws and bolts only a few twists from coming unlodged themselves, the push from the men was akin to the straw that broke the camel's back, causing the stairs to immediately come off from the wall.

At this point, the Seventh Prince was the first to react, but unfortunately he was already too late.

With a reach, he could only watch as the wall got further and further away, the group rapidly falling towards the bottom of the factory.

With a massive bang, the staircase and everyone on it smacked heavily into the floor, a cloud of dust and dirt temporarily fogged the area.

Fortunately the cloud of dust rapidly dissipated, revealing that everyone was fine, their sealed cultivations not affecting the durability of their flesh.

With a cough, Nufes looked up at his sister, both shocked and confused as to what the point of such an action was.

While it somewhat hurt, their team was completely unaffected and everyone still had their flags on hands, so other than being a slight nuisance, it didn't seem to have really done anything.

"Are you trying to piss us off?" He couldn't help but shout up at her.

"Of course not." Asumi said with a giggle, angering Nufes even more.

"So what, is this so you can escape? While you may have bought yourself some more time, you aren't safe anywhere!" Nufes continued shouting.

"Who said I wanted to escape? In fact, what's the point of escaping from those who aren't even in the game anymore?"

"Huh? What the hell are you talking about!?"

"Rule number 1, no leaving the kingdom's borders otherwise you are instantly disqualified." Asumi explained.

"And what does that have to do with anything?" Nufes asked in a growl.

"Haven't you ever wondered what qualifies as the borders? Spoiler alert, you've already technically exited it." Asumi replied with another laugh.

"That's impossible! We're still well within the confines of the kingdom!" Nufes fought back.

"Yes, you are, but the rules are another thing. Anyways, even if you don't believe me, you can ask him instead." Asumi said, pointing in the direction behind Nufes.

Turning around, Nufes soon saw a Forbidden Soldier standing there, seemingly having been there the entire time.

"It's as she's explained. You and everyone here have been eliminated." The man explained.

"That isn't fair! What kind of stupid rules are these?!" Nufes roared, but the man was unaffected, just standing still, his eyes cold and apathetic.

"Hahaha, to think you'd play us for such fools! Well done!" The Sixth Prince said in laughter, seeming to not mind the elimination.

The Battle of Strategy never really interested him anyways, so the sooner it was over, the happier he was.

"You've really outwitted us all, huh little sister? Congratulations, but you've still got to face our fourth brother, not to men- Nevermind…" The Seventh said, about to bring up Minos, but deciding against it at the last second.

To reward his sister with critical news after his own elimination was quite foolish, besides, he hoped she placed worse, which would only be good for him.

"I hope you can win this battle, little sister. Don't forget that I'm rooting for you." The First Princess said with a gentle smile.

As for Orino, he had nothing to say, just rubbing his chin as he thought everything over, finally letting out a long sigh, having to admit he had been played thoroughly.

Without anything to add, he just looked at this sister of his, his opinion of her undergoing a complete 180 change.

Watching as the Forbidden Soldier led them off, Nufes still shouting and groaning, Asumi couldn't help but laugh with a joy she hadn't experienced for years.

Heading back up the stairs, she and her men were about to clear the gap left by the fallen stairs, but before they could, they found another team standing on the other side.

"Fourth brother?" Asumi asked with a bit of surprise, not expecting this brother of hers to react so quickly.

"Quite a brilliant plan. It's a good thing I held back, otherwise you may have won this game in one go." The Fourth Prince said with a smile.

"Are you here to gloat or fight?"

"Neither, in fact I'm here to forfeit."

"Forfeit?" Asumi responded with surprise.

"That's right, all I want in return is that you give me second place. If you promise me this much, we can spare the fighting and end this charade right now."

Hearing his words, Asumi couldn't help but look back at her eighth and ninth brother's behind her, as well as the three other men on her team, her thoughts chaotic for a while.