First Academy Opens!

"That isn't my concern, though I'm sure your family is waiting for you." The guard said before heading back down into the prison.

"My family! That's right! I've got to let them know I'm free!" Henroz said ecstatically, quickly running through the streets like a madman.

One had to know that he was still filthy, a head full of wild hair that hadn't touched shampoo in years, and a prison uniform that was permanently stained with ash and dirt.

Some people even thought a criminal had gotten loose and called out to the guards, fortunately after explaining himself, Henroz was released again.

Of the few things he remembered, it was the route back to his home, most of his prison time having been spent thinking about what he would say to his family once he was finally free.

But now that he had actually found himself in front of the door to his old home, his mind went blank.

His hand was held up in the air, but almost like there was an invisible forcefield around the door, everytime his knuckles came close to knocking, they'd pull right back.

He couldn't help but hear a little voice in his head, telling him that his family had already forgotten him, and it was best to just leave them alone.

Another voice said that they would just be angry at him for abandoning him, and would want nothing to do with him.

All these voices completely drained the confidence that he had a moment ago, filling him with anxiety.

'Maybe they're right… Maybe it's best I just leave… After all, what kind of father am I? I barely took care of my kids before I was sent off, leaving my poor wife to handle everything on her own.'

'I don't deserve their forgiveness, much less their love, not after failing them…' Henroz thought, tears filling his eyes as he was about to leave.

But just before he went, the door suddenly flung open, nearly knocking a tooth out of his mouth.

"Oh my heavens! I'm so sorry!" A beautiful middle-aged woman said, quickly bending over to help the man she had just injured.

But as the man turned to face her, her lips froze in place, her eyes watering as she barely found the strength to speak.


"Mhm…" Henroz whispered, a bit afraid of his wife's reaction.

"You're back, you're finally back! Do you know how much we've missed you?" She cried out.

Hearing her words, the stone in his heart finally dropped, the voices from before all fizzling away as those simple words of his wife proved he had never been forgotten.

"I'll never leave you ever again! Not you or the kids, and this time I promise it!" Henroz swore, hugging his wife tightly, who didn't seem to mind his filth at all.

Of course not all those released were as fortunate as Henroz. Some came back to empty homes, others realized their family had moved on without them, their wives remarrying and their children welcoming in new fathers.

Though regardless of their fates, it was good to be free, and their depression would eventually pass once they understood that.

Meanwhile, news about Minos's move had begun spreading rapidly, made especially viral with all the reports of crazy 'criminals' parading through the streets.

It was only as everyone became aware of Minos's latest move, did they finally realize these people weren't criminals, rather those who had been wrongly convicted and set free by his hand.

And as the days passed, more and more innocent people were released, everyone beginning to actually believe that Minos may be different from those other kings before him.

But it was only as Minos's other project was finally entering full construction did everyone began to completely believe Minos's words.

"Have you heard? Apparently those new buildings being made are called training centers, and not only that, his Majesty has also created academies!" One civilian said to one of his buddies as they were sitting by a cafe.

"Training centers? Academies? Who and what for?" His friend asked.

"The training centers are for adults, places where they can learn new skills and enter a trade. Whereas the academies are apparently for children. It's said his Majesty wants to start educating children young, and all parents will be forced to enlist their children."

"So you're saying my son could get an education? But how much will it cost, I can barely get by as is."

"That's the best part, it's free!"

"Free?" He asked with some skepticism.

"That's right. It's all covered by the Majesty himself. Quote 'The children represent our future. The kingdom is only as strong as they are.'"

"He really said that?"

"Those exact words!"

"And what about those training centers?"

"Also free!"

"Really!? Great! If I can learn a trade, I'll be earning more money than I make now!"

"Hey you two bums, if you aren't going to buy anything, scram!" The cafe owner suddenly shouted, causing the two men to shrink their heads and quickly run off.

"Academy, huh? Business has been getting worse, so maybe it would be good to send my kid off to learn a few things, just in case." The cafe owner muttered to himself, having been listening to their every word.

While the majority of the kingdom was invigorated by this news, the elites who made up a minority had the opposite opinion.

Similarly to Rehlin, they felt like this would completely destroy the Cat Kingdom's culture, making it completely foreign.

But as per usual, Minos cared little for their concern, even imprisoning a few of these elites, though not for their opinions, but rather because a lot of them were the same criminals who had scapegoated others.

Despite constant complaints from all corners, Minos continued construction as per usual while spending his free time making his way through the prisoners' files.

With his incredible mind, he worked a lot faster than anyone could have expected, and in only a month's time, he had released hundreds of people, and convicted thousands more.

At the same time, he had opened up a new ministry, the Ministry of Education, which he decided to give charge of to the Seventh Prince, Senkus.

While Senkus had little experience in this regard, he had a nimble mind and was a fast learner, so now a month later, under the auspices of Minos, he had created the backbone for this new ministry.

And the timing was perfect because the first of the academies and training centers were finally complete, so all there was left to do now was begin enrolling.

"Are you ready, son?" A young mother asked her little boy, who was about 11 or 12.

"I'm ready mom, but do I really have to wear this?" He asked, tugging at his slightly uncomfortable uniform.

"I think it looks quite nice, not to mention it's the nicest clothes you have, so be grateful." She said, tidying him up a bit more before the two walked out of their small house hand in hand.

"Mom, what's the academy going to be like? I heard all the other kids are gonna go there too. I wonder if it'll be fun."

"You aren't going there to play, you're going to learn! Don't waste this opportunity! His Majesty has extended his grace to us, so the least we can do is live up to his expectations."

"But I don't know how to study… What if I can't do it?" He asked, a little worried.

Just like most kids from poor families, he didn't have an education, and he spent most of his time playing with other poor kids or doing small work here and there.

Their family of two was mostly provided for by his mother, who worked as a seamstress, sewing and repairing clothes for other struggling families.

"Just do your best, that's all I want out of you. So promise me, promise me you'll try your hardest." His mom said, suddenly bending down to look him straight in the eyes.

"I promise mom! I'll do whatever the teacher asks me, and I'll never cause any trouble!" He swore.

"That's my boy." His mom smiled, tossing his hair a bit before taking his hand again.

Soon enough the two arrived at a large fenced off building, thousands of other families also gathered up front, standing by the still shut gates.

The loud sounds of families chattering filled the space while everyone waited patiently for the gates to open.

And soon enough a fancy looking carriage arrived from the distance, everyone immediately turning towards it curiously.

As the carriage headed down the road, it finally stopped right ahead of the academy's gates, a guard dismounting from the front of the carriage so as to open the door for whoever was inside.

As the door slowly swung open, a large man took a step down, his appearance immediately shocking everyone into silence.

"H-his Majesty!" One man shouted, bringing noise back to the area.