Chapter 7

  Xia Fei was so angry that she pounded her chest and said, "For the past 20 years, I haven't been touched by a man. I'm not the woman who takes your money in your eyes... I have no purpose... You took away my precious first night in my life! How dare you talk dirty here? You're not here!"

  Han Yijiang looked Xia Fei up and down, and then grinned with a cold face. He said, "You're so angry. Do you think you're reserved? Hum! It's a fact that you entered my room wrongly! It's also a fact that you wronged me! But I don't have time to waste with you now! I'll remember this battle first!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, he stood up arrogantly and strode out...

  Xia Fei stood angrily in the same place, with her back to the door of the monitoring room, and her tears rolled down... She slowly raised her head and looked at the video of last night from the computer. Han Yijiang in the picture was being supported by the bodyguards and walked into the room...

  She looked at the scene and slowly clenched her fists. She said angrily and chokingly, "Even if I only have one minute to live, I have to get back a little bit of honorifics for this minute, right?"

  She looked up and her tears rolled down. Without saying anything, she immediately turned and strode out of the monitoring room... At a glance, she saw Han Yijiang walking to the elevator accompanied by the high-level and security personnel of the hotel...

  "Wait a minute!!!" Xia Fei shouted at the people in the distance!

  Han Yijiang stopped, turned his head coldly, and looked at the girl in front of him...

  Xia Fei was so angry that she stepped on the gorgeous carpet and walked toward Han Yijiang step by step. As she came over, she took out her wallet...

  Han Yijiang's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at her broken wallet...

  Under the watchful eyes of the public, Xia Fei raised her eyebrows coldly and said with tears in her eyes, "Last night... we were spending a whole night seriously. There was a deal that was not over..."

  Han Yijiang sneered and said, "So... in the end, you still want money..."

  Following his manner, Xia Fei sneered and said, "No... I want to give you a reward..."

  As soon as she finished her words, she took out 100 red pieces from her wallet and threw them on Han Yijiang's luxurious suit... "Is that enough?"

  Han Yijiang's eyes were cold, and a murderous intent rose...

  "Not enough?!" Xia Fei asked loudly. Once again, she angrily took out a bunch of money from her wallet to pay for the medicine. She threw it into the sky and shouted, "I'll give it all to you!"

  How many pieces of red 100 yuan floated between Xia Fei and Han Yijiang.

  The two of them stared at each other and did not compromise at all.

  Xia Fei gasped and stood in front of Han Yijiang again. She stretched out her finger and touched his chest. She raised her head and gnashed her teeth, saying, "My sister doesn't live long anyway. I don't need this money. I'll give it to you as a reward. I'm happy... Are you happy?"

  Han Yijiang slowly lowered his head and looked at Xia Fei from close and close. The light in his eyes was full of endless murderous intent...

  Xia Fei gritted her teeth and glared at him. With a snort, she pushed the crowd away and walked toward the elevator... As she walked, she grasped the wallet and slightly raised her head. But at this moment, a little nervousness and confusion flashed across her eyes. She bit her lower lip, panting heavily, and walked forward quickly. She felt as if tens of millions of arrows were shooting at her on her back—