Chapter 170

  When Xia Fei rushed to the Buddha Mountain, she saw that the staff of the modern dynasties had been busy preparing for the work before filming. Because of the incident last time, the crew was more cautious this time. Especially Sun Ming, who carefully asked every detail about everything, personally went to the carriage house to pick a horse and asked the best horse doctor to pass the examination. Then he led one of the handsome horses out. Maybe because of the misfortune, Sun Ming suddenly had a new idea after Xia Fei was injured and rested for a few days. After discussing with the chief plotter at night, he would lead the ten of the ten of ten of ten more beautiful horses.

  "Director!" Xia Fei walked into the crew happily. When the crew saw her, they all clapped their hands to welcome her back to the crew!!

  Sun Ming patted Xia Fei's shoulder excitedly and said, "Girl! Thank you for your hard work! Thank you for coming back!"