Chapter 20 Chapter twenty


  Lucy's POV

  Matthew has been quite the handful. I learned that I could only have one child due the internal injuries I have substaned when I was been abused by my old pack. Matthew is our only baby.

  He has grown to be ten years old, and he is a very smart kid. Although he prefer being alone most of the time.

  Today I have a surprise for Matthew and Asa, wanting to do something nice for them. I'm setting up a family day at our spot, at the clearing.

  I invited Asher and Ella, along with Nadia, who found her mate.

  Turns out her mate is Cory, Nadia's wolf just hadn't matured enough to know who her mate was.

  Eden and Ava are also coming

  along, being practically family. No one talks about what Miller did, betraying us like that. We choose to ignore it all.

  I bring Asa away from his Alpha duties and get Matthew from his room. He is reading Harry Potter, he's on the last book.