After they finished the pizza, they played a board game, and then Efua sent the girls up to change into their pajamas and brush their teeth. Whenthey came back down, Jason suggested they watch a movie, so they all piled on the big sofa to watch one of the girls’ favorite Disney movie. Frozen.
It had been a long day, and Jennifer fell asleep during the last half-hour of the movie, her head on her father’s lap. Even Janet was a little groggy as the credits started to roll, so Efua helped her to her feet and kept her hand on her back as she guided the girl up to her bed.
James carried Jennifer up, laying her down on her bed—in the same room as her sister—and kissing her sleeping face. He leaned over to kiss Janet as well, and Efua couldn’t miss the affection on his face, even though he was normally so reserved. He loved these girls, and he wanted the best for them. She was so glad he’d realized that the best wasn’t Victoria.