Chapter 68 The nanny chapter thirty one

  Efua glanced over and met Jason's eyes, and they clearly understood each other. While it was possible that Janet hurt right there, it wasn’t a normal spot for a headache, so it was more likely that the girl was faking.

  Efua went and poured out a glass of cold water. “Here you go. Water is good for headaches. Drink all of this, and then we’ll see how you feel later. Be sure to let us know if it gets worse.”

  Janet was still scowling but she obediently started swallowing down the water.

  In the silence that followed—broken only by Janet’s gulping sounds and the scraping of Jennifer’s spoon against her cereal bowel— Efua was suddenly acutely aware of the fact that she’d had sex with Jason last night.

  She peeked a look over at him and saw that his eyes were resting on her. He looked mostly normal, just a little thoughtful.

  She had no idea what he was thinking.