Chapter 79 The nanny chapter fourty two

  Chapter fourty two

  A half-hour later, he was knocking on the thick front door of the Adams House, with Janet and Jennifer at his side, so excited they were wriggling and holding their hands over their mouths so they wouldn’t be too loud.

  After a few minutes, Kike openedthe door, staring in shock when she saw who it was.

  “What do you want?” she asked, frowning at him.

  “Sorry to turn up unexpectedly. Is Efua here?” he asked.

  “We’re here to see Efua!” Janet confirmed.

  “Efua!” Jennifer echoed.

  “Yes, she’s here,” Kike said, her sober green eyes moving from one to another. “She’s in her room.”

  “Can we come in?” Jason asked, starting to get impatient now that Efua was almost within reach.

  “She’s pretty upset,” Kike said, holding his gaze with an expression that seemed a lot older than she was.“I’d rather not let you in, if you’re just going to upset her even more.”