Chapter 14 Master Hales of Haleston City

It was 10 o’clock at night.

Nelissa had just tucked the twins into bed when the phone suddenly rang. Nelissa wondered who might be calling that late at night.

“I’ve been trying to call you on your phone. Where were you?”

It was Jolene.

“I’m sorry. My phone must have run flat,” Nelissa replied. She was lying. She intentionally turned her phone off to avoid Edward.

Jolene then added, “Marcel suddenly called for an emergency meeting with all of the supervisors. The meeting just ended and I’m coming home now. I’m starving!”

Nelissa laughed, “Alright, I’ll whip you up something to eat. Maybe some noodles?”

“That sounds amazing! I want an egg and some spam too! Oh, no onions please!” Jolene was thrilled.

Nelissa hung up the phone and began cooking in the kitchen. She took out some stuff from the fridge, did some prep work when all of a sudden, the doorbell rang.

She turned off the gas and went to the door. Jolene was home quick.