Chapter 277

The next morning, the quiet city gradually woke up. There were not many people who were rushing to work and go to school.

Penelope had not returned home all night. Her delicate makeup had been painted on her face for a whole night, and she looked a little haggard. The swelling in her eyes should be the after-effects of not sleeping all night.

She drove the luxury car aimlessly on the empty road, and her mind was still filled with the words Zayden said last night when he asked her out. Every look of loneliness, pain, and panic.

It was painful because of Zayden.

Han Penelope couldn't help but drive the car to the Jung Hospital. Nelissa was recuperating in this hospital. It was still early, and there were no patients or family members coming in and out of the hospital. Only environmental protection workers were working in the hospital. It was very quiet and peaceful, but Han Penelope's heart was in a mess. She didn't know what she was doing here.