Chapter 3

ANOTHER DAY had dawned as the sun poured at the window. Bringing new hopes. Trinity looked around through her windows. The roads glistened in the beam of the sun. The sunlit skyscrapers pierced the blue skies. Lea her friend, pass by early that morning. Worrying that she might do something to herself because of her break-up, that she may be suicidal. Adequately, she’s not a lunatic to let herself be slain just because of a freaking break-up.

“You're blooming, Trin. It seems like no one messes with your heart, huh?” Lea uttered as she sat down on the single sofa.

Trinity was busy signing documents from work. When Lea decided to stay for a while. “Your imagining things,” she replied. “You and Dad have the same thought. Early this morning, he said to me that I’m glowing. You two just differ with the usage of words. But thanks for the compliment, anyway,” she added and continued what she’s doing.

“Tell me, is there someone who restores your broken pieces?” she asked, wearing her derisive voice.

Trinity stopped flipping the pages of the document she’s reading and raised her brow to Lea. “No. Why, is it better if I will cry all day, lock in the room, drink alcohols—”

“Of course, not,” she intervened. “It’s just that, I can’t believe that you’ll get over him for days. You know… the duration of a girl to move on were for months or years.”

“Says who? Fiction novels? Movies?” Lea loves to read romance books that she even adapts those realistically. “That jerk doesn’t deserve my tears, anymore.”

All thanks to Zach.

“Alright. I’m now convinced that you don’t have any suicidal instincts. I should go then, I also have a meeting at one,” Lea said as she gazes in her wristwatch.

Trinity let out a deep sigh when Lea already went out. She then picked her phone that’s on the table and dialed Zach’s number.

‘Hello,’ he answered over the line using his baritone voice.

“Hi, I hope I didn’t disturb you.”

‘Silly. Of course not. Why did you call?’

“About the agreement you want. I’m in.”

Yesterday, they both agreed to make each other be F-buddies.

‘Good. See you tonight then. My pad.’

“Okay,” she answered and ended the call.

Zach reminded her not to be clingy because they don’t commit. He wanted them to act with professionalism. They must think that it’s like a business contract where they need to be mature enough to have a successful operation.

EXACTLY SEVEN thirty in the evening when she arrives at Zach’s pad. Zach pad is on the fifth floor, room 5-02. As she enters inside his pad, she just can’t help herself not to be stunned by his interiors. Every corner shouts luxuriousness. The bachelor’s pad is powered by high technologies, she presumed.

She took off her coat and hang it in the cloth rack near the main door. She was wearing a sleeveless maxi dress.

“You look stunning,” Zach said as she sat down on his sofa.

“Thanks,” she answered, and her eyes started to wander again.

“Here,” and Zach handed over the folder, “sign it. That’s all about the agreement we made. Just the basic thought.”

She nodded in response.

She started to read it and when she’s done, she scribbled her signature above her printed name.

“Did you consult a doctor for your pills?” he asked.

She nods. She needs to take pills just what they’ve agreed for. Zach told her that it will be a hassle if he used a condom every time. It will be her first of everything but she’s looking forward to it. It was that fast, but her body already decided.

She cleared her throat, “are you not going to offer me some drinks?”

“I can offer my juice if you want to,” he teased.

She chuckled. “Crazy,” she said as she stood up. “Would you mind if I get some cold water?” she asked just to destruct herself. It seems like her body is burning. As much as she doesn’t want to look in Zach’s direction, she can’t help herself, Thus, the heat started to arouse in her system.

For goodness sake, Zach is topless and just wearing his towel wrapped in his lower part as his V-line peeps.

“I won’t. feel at home,” he asked and bite his lower lip, seems like he’s teasing her or more inviting her.

To escape from temptation, she then went to his kitchen. She opens his fridge and grabs the pitcher filled with water and poured it on the glass.

For three months, she will be Zach’s fuck buddy. Just pure fucking, no string attached. They forbid to fell for each other. Easy it is. She can do that. Besides, she’s already afraid to fall in love. What she feels about Zach is just pure lust. She was crazy hooked by him because he let her understand pleasure and taught her how to play fire.

When she finished her glass of water, she went back, but Zach’s isn’t there anymore. She then decides to go to his room. As she enters, she called his name, but no one answered. She repeats it once more but still no response from him. She then started to walk and went near to the wooden table beside his bed. She picked up the photo frame where she saw Zach’s handsome face, sitting on his Bugatti.

“Hi,” he whispered. She gasped and face him.

“Where did you go?” she asked. Her eyes went down to his eight packs.

“Why, did you miss me that fast?” he asked and smirked. He then pulled her, and her body crashed to him. Her eyes widened when something pokes her tummy.

“Can you feel it, baby?” he whispered.

She gasped again as she feels the freezing air when Zach pull down the zipper of her dress. Suddenly, he bends down and kissed her on her lips. Her reflexes instruct her to kiss him back, and she did.

He gently caresses her back as his lips still pursed into hers. Her dress softly falls on the floor leaving her with just her undergarments. He then started to unhook her brassiere without giving a distance between their lips.

She groaned.

He moved forward, and she took one step backward and had successfully laid her in his soft and comfy bed. She gasped when she feels his hand between her legs. His lips went down and kiss her earlobe, down to her neck. She moaned when his lips found the peak of her mountains. He then sucked her left tip and massages her other mound. He flicks his tongue over her aroused tip. His kisses trailed down to her stomach, took off her last piece of cloth, and tossed it away.

She trembled, feeling velvety all over. Soon, his lips moved down. His tongue dipped between the cleft of her moist mound and found the sensitive bud. He brushed his tongue over it again, and again, gently sucking, making love to it fervently.

She felt as if she was ready to explode and when she reached her climax, her back arched as she moaned and called his name aloud. He then moved up to kiss her neck and took off his towel. His length is rubbing on her sensitive flesh.

“Zach…” she purred, loving every moment of this, feeling him enjoying her moist warmth. He was teasing her, it seemed—gently brushing onto her, poking her, but not plunging in. “Zach, please,” she begged.

he smirked and slowly thrust inside, teasing, while tweaking the tip of her mound, and kissed her face. He pulls himself and thrusts a little deeper this time.


He smiled against her lips and lashed his tongue inside her mouth, which she eagerly sucked on. This man was driving her insane!

He plunged again, this time its halfway and she arched her back to meet him—all of him.

“Well, aren’t we a lil’ impatient tonight?” said, Zach which made her blushed out of embarrassment. She seems like a hungry lioness waiting for her mate.

But then Zach gently turned her over so that her back was facing him. His palm went to her globe, squeezing it. Ever so gently, he plunged in. She gasped as she feels him fully--every last inch of him.

When he started moving, she moaned. His hands went to her waist, pulling her to him back and forth. The pain is still there, but it’s not like before.

Zach was moaning, and it was such a wild sound., raw, carnal—an expression of pure pleasure. It was as if he wanted her to know that he certainly found her even more attractive, even more, desirable now.

He plunged deep and grabbed her by her waist with his arm and gently sat on the mattress with her now on top of him. He started moving his lips, thrusting, but this time his finger found the bud of her hot flesh and rubbed it.

She feels like she was going to run out of breath from too much intimacy. This was too much delight. And she felt herself quickly reaching her climax. She then writhed in mere ecstasy. She knew that Zach had not had his release and so she faced him and drove him. That is such a daring move from someone who had not done it before.

Her mound bounced as she moved, loving the need in Zach’s eyes. Those eyes were ablaze with passion. She moved fast in a circular motion, up and down. Until he pulled her close and held her tight as he shuddered, spitting his juices inside. She left one swift move and rolled down beside him, reaching the tissue to clean her cleft.

“It’s quite good,” he said.

Trinity laughed, panting. “Are you saying that I’m good,” she asked.

“Yeah, quite good for a beginner,” he said and chuckled. She feels pissed, thus, she grabbed the pillow and hit him. Plus, you’re alluring and hot,” he added, with that, she blushed.