Chapter 39


When Zach heard the signal, he fired the 45 caliber he’s holding until it runs out of ammo, and the target paper was hit in one place—Center.

Caspian approached him and tapped him on the shoulder. “You didn’t change. You’re still the best.”

Zach dropped the gun and placed it on the table. "Where's Ali?" he asked and looked at Caspian.

“He’s on the way. He just dropped by and picked up what you asked for,” Caspian replied.

Zach nodded and started to walk away from the shooting range. When an employee passed by, he handed over a card.

"Call Ali and tell him that we will see each other in the hideout. How about Bill, is he coming?” he asked Caspian—who’s tailing him.

“I don’t know. He’s not answering my calls. Why don’t you try calling him instead?”

Zach reached for the card returned by the employee and walked again and Caspian matches his pace.

"He's not answering my calls either," Zach replied.