Chapter 44

“YOU KNOW? I’m really wondering why you’re here every day. did you apply as one of our bodyguards, to watch over us?” Trinity asked Zach.

Early in the morning, upon climbing downstairs, she saw Zach again at their living room. So, she couldn’t help but ask the man why does he need to be there always?

“Good morning to you, my sunshine. And of course, to this lovely young angel,” he said and pinched Zelia Tris's cheek. She’s carrying her daughter at the moment. The little girl then extended her arms towards Zach, seems like she wants to be carried by him. Zach doesn’t want to disappoint the little girl and he then reached her out to carry her in his broad arms.

Sunshine, my foot, Trinity thought. But deep inside she was flattered by it.

Trinity doesn’t want to give her daughter to him but she realized that the young girl needs also her father's care, that even if she’s not admitting about it yet, it seems like destiny is bringing them together.