Chapter 52

A RED Ferrari stopped in front of the large gate of the Rojas mansion. The men in black ran to the front gate. They pulled out their guns and aimed at the vehicle.

Trinity, who is currently in the control room of the mansion, is also worried. She walks back and forth as she looks on the monitors. She’s worrying that the person inside the red expensive car might be a suicide bomber or what. Coincidentally, Zach isn’t there yet. Zach said that he needs to attend an important meeting in Cebu.

Her eyes widened when she recognized the person who got out of the car. “Open the gate. Do not shoot,” she said with her authoritative voice. The men outside heard what she said through the speakers attached to the bottom of the closed-circuit television cameras. She walked outside the room.

“For goodness’ sake! Are they trying to kill us? and what’s with the guns?!” her friend Lea, shouted.

“Why do you seem to be in a hurry as you drive?”

“What? I’m not the one who drives.”