Chapter 55

ZACH’S bodyguard opened the passenger seat; Trinity then entered. Zach handed over her daughter and turned to the diver seat. They look like a happy and complete family; the difference is that they still have many unsolved puzzles and problems. But they always believe that those things have an end.

“Why did you say that we’re going to eat at your restaurant? What’s your plan?” Trinity asked.

Zach turned to her and grinned. “It’s bait. I’m sure your sister already tip the information to her boss.”

“What? What if they will blow up your restaurant? You still have your employees there. How about the innocent people who are eating there?” shocked flustered in Trinity’s face. Yes, she understands Zach’s plan but what if innocent people will get hurt because of it?

"V Reseau was closed since yesterday," Zach answered and she was expecting that.

"You really have plans. Care to share it?" she asked.