Chapter 99 CHAPTER

"It'll be okay Kat. I promise you." He said and I nodded against his shoulder.

Somehow, when we got outside the front doors, his mom was already waiting for us there, engine running. He placed me in my seat, and then sat in his closing the door

behind us both. "How do you do that?" I sniffled. "Do what?" He asked. "Always know!" I screamed irritated and he pulled me back into his arms. "I just do love, I told you. I just do." He said and met eyes with his mom for a split second. In the long car ride, I think I fell asleep. I think I just went limp in Kaden's arms, because I didn't feel it when he picked me out of the car, and carried me to his room. I didn't feel it when he placed me in his bed, which is where we were now. Me crying, and him listening. So I took a breath, and let everything go.