Chapter 7 Hunting for survival

It was about 11:00 p.m when I slumped on the bed panting heavily, my body soars with pains as the fresh cuts ached so much.

My life is just a shadow of itself, I have never dreamed for my life to be this way, I always thought my life was rosy, yes, I think it was.

Throughout my tender age as a boy, I've always been dad's favorite, he loved me, not until one day when I told him that when I grow up I would love to be a powerful wolf and accomplish the dream of being a shift and a golden wolf.

Dad had misinterpreted my words, I didn't mean any harm as I said so with a pure mind.

At that time, I had just turned ten. From there, dad had become the beast I could never dream of knowing.

Flogging me was an understatement, he has made me travel to Hades and back, threatened to place a hot iron on my back, and has even made me go a week without food nor water just because I told him my vision.