Chapter 100 Waiting forever

And then , she will finally see that every thing will be fine and her memory will be coming back to her slowly. Even if it will take a lot of time before her full memory comes back to her, it is very certain that If she continues taking the drugs as instructed, every thing will be fine with time.

Every single thing that happens in this world happens for a purpose. Any way, how Rogers will feel at that party point in time did not really matter. What really mattered at that particular point in time was for him to make sure that he gets every thing that he is supposed to know at that junction and only it. Nothing more, nothing else.

The nurse had been silent for over a minute now with out saying any thing to Rogers. The rate at which the nurse was being so quiet at that particular point in time gave Rogers enough reason to be thinking about the various bad things that must have happened to his best friend Berny in the emergency room.