Chapter 176 At the park

After a long period after saying their good byes to each other and shading a lot of tears for each other, Scar had finally decided to leave as he finally lifted up his bag so that he could go.

On his way out of the house, he turned at facing behind trying to look at all what was actually going on at that time.

As his eyes jnstw do collided with that if Berny at that time. It was quite a very good incident as they all wanted that, things should go on so well. He had been way more very unpredictable as there was no way that, he was never ever going to be feeling to bad after having seen the endless tears that were actually being shade for him by Berny at that time.

After some few seconds of looking at each other, Scar immediately placed a very pale smile on his face as he immediately turned back his head Concentrating on the place where he was actually going to at that moment.