Chapter 27 CHAPTER 27: Onetime fairytale experience Part 1

UPON reaching the hotel, everyone looks at me with disgust and at the same time enviously. Some of them become astounded when they saw me with James. Questioning me why I am with the executive assistant. I tried not to look at them and putting my gaze on the floor as I walk through the lobby.

What’s wrong with being with the Executive Assistant? I mean, the other looks at me as if I committed a crime or somehow I am having a relationship with James. I tried not to think about it.

James pressed the floor number as we rode the elevator. I just look at the steel bar elevator door waiting to close.

“Don’t feel sad, Ms. Roberts. Who knows, my boss can help you with what you need.”

I nod my head. “Yeah. I hope so.” Pressing my lips and fingers lingering each other as I hold my hand and watching those fingers.

The door opens, and we reached the fancy restaurant inside the hotel.