Chapter 29 CHAPTER 29: Facing hell Part 1

MY hands starting to freeze, as if I come out from a freezer or cold storage. When we were inside the elevator and James already pressed the button going up to the last floor. I can feel my feet getting numb and cold. My knees starting to frail too. Goodness! Why I am like this?

“My boss’s office is on the last floor, where he owns the whole floor. He has his private room, he occupies and lives there.”

I don’t want to concentrate on what James is saying because I am feeling bad about this.

I heard the elevator closed behind me. Why there is a part of me I wanted to go back to? It’s not because I am afraid of Mister Trevor’s appearance. It is because I don’t know how to act and I don’t even sure if he will approve it. James already told me that it is fine with his boss, but I can’t help to think about the negative outcome.

Come on, Angela! This is the start.

This is your chance.

This is the easy way to win my ex-boyfriend’s heart.

So, no. I will not fret.

I will not stop.