Chapter 35 CHAPTER 35: Feeling confused Part 1

CONFUSED, dazed, and a little frightened, I moved when I saw Mister Trevor is now carrying me.

“Where are you taking me?” It should be loud and clear, but it felt like I whispered in his ears.

It surprised him when he saw me awake. “Aren’t you sleeping?” he asked and look at me as if it did not convince him that I was about to sleep. I mean, yeah, I pretend I am sleeping, but I am almost asleep.

I wag my feet so he can put me down.

“Stop doing that,” he rebuked me, which made me even more nervous, so I waved my legs more, waiting for him to release me.

We reached his room already. I felt scared that he may do something. I mean, I know he wasn’t that kind of man, but my instinct says like that.

What I did, makes him lost his balance. Fortunately, we fell in his bed. But the bad thing is he was on top of me.