Chapter 39 CHAPTER 39: Upset and Disturbed Part 1

I SHOULD not cry how he shows his attitude towards me, but I can’t help it.

He was worse, and he never valued others.

He didn’t even check me out about what I will feel.

He shows no mercy, even with me.

I pressed the number in front of the screen in his door that Mister Trevor told me. The door opens, and I deposited myself inside.

I closed the door and went straight to his couch and put all the paper bags on top of his center table.

I wanted to stop my tears from crying, but I can’t help it. All my parent’s memories are almost worth my life. And it pains me a lot what he did. If he really throws my things, I will never forgive him and I will never trust him anymore. I might cut the agreement and forget everything.

I sit on the couch in front of the shopping bags. I have no choice but to check the clothes I need to wear. I am feeling dirty and I don’t have a proper bath for two days, almost.