Chapter 65 CHAPTER 65: Call him crazy Part 2

I FOUND nervousness in her eyes. She even got agitated with my question. What was she’s hiding?

“Did I, Angela?”

She shook her head and look at me straight into my eyes. “Of course not. You did nothing.” And transfer her gaze outside.

I doubt it. I feel something happens that I badly need to remember.

We wait for a few minutes until the rain stops.

I walk near her, cutting the distance between us. I want to wrap my arms around her suddenly.

I wanted to make her feel at ease when I know I didn’t have the right to do that unless there was a reason for her to accept me.

From the hesitation, I drop my hands both on my sides and shook my head. I can’t touch her with no assurance.

“What do you need from me? Why did you follow me up to Vincent’s house?” she asked while looking outside and her back is facing me.