Chapter 84 CHAPTER 84: The Wrath Part 1


HEAVY footsteps, fisting hands, the raging fire in my eyes. Dad didn’t think to ban me in this private subdivision. Good, at least I can go whenever I like. I already called his office and found out he wasn’t there.

How could he do that to us? To my mom? I give him the utmost respect. I even followed him every time he asks me to do this… do that... I did all I can. I even did everything to gain his trust and now I just found out he tricked me. He deceived me, for Pete’s sake! I am not sure if I am going to forgive him after what he did to mom.

I knock on the black big gate. “Open this door!” I screamed.

It opens and one guard politely talks to me. “Sir Trevor, you are not allowed to enter here. According to Senior Wilcon’s order, you are banned in this house.”

I grin at him. “Don’t try me or I will knock you off.”