Chapter 125 CHAPTER 125: Against all odds


“OH COME on! Don’t be a fool, Tommy!” I’m on my phone and I can’t believe what I am hearing right now from Tommy.

“Mom is with me and, as you heard, we are no longer part of your plan. Stop doing what you think is right. It’s very dangerous and it will harm you.”

I fisted my free hand and then gripped the phone in my hand. I can’t believe that they wanted me to stop. Did they feed them enough that they wanted to kick me out?

“My princess, this is your mom.” I heard my mom’s voice in the line.

“Mom? Mom, tell me Tommy isn’t telling the truth.”

“Please stop it, Maricar. It’s too late now. We can’t fight them. They are powerful and very influential. They drop the cases and clear our name.”

I can’t believe it, even mom fool them and was blinded by their dam.ned money. “Is that the reason why you want me to stop? Because they stop pressing charges?”