Chapter 81

“Ugh!” Apahca grunted beside me while we were made to roll on the mud. The professor started reciting some rules.

The girls, on the other hand, were squatting simultaneously, they were pretty song – however, two hours may have been too much.

“How are you not even sweating?!” Aphaca asked me while rolling. “I am sweating, you just don’t see it,” I say – we are covered in mud after all.

“No! You’re unfazed by this, I can cl-mmph,” his speech got interrupted when his face kissed the ground.

“You’re being silly, Aphaca,” I remarked. This was basic training back at home, Uncle Tydore liked to torture me from dusk ‘til dawn.

“Have you memorized the rules?” The professor asked for the nth time. “Yes!” We all shouted, still rolling while the girls were obviously in pain.

“Get up, we’ll get on with classes for the day,” he informed us, my eyes widened. “Is he not going to let us change?” Are we going to class all muddy?” I heard the boys mumble amongst each other.