“WHERE did you go?”
I looked at Tara just as I was removing my mudded boots before entering the kitchen from the back door. She stood behind the kitchen island looking at me. I finished taking off my shoes so as not to track dirt inside.
Walking over to her, I placed my hand on her still flat stomach. “Maybe you should sit down.”
“I’m in my first trimester, Connor. I’m not even showing yet. Can you just calm down,” Tara answered then frowned at me.
“Mothers are usually prone to gestational hypertension or preeclampsia for various reasons. Maybe you have a history of this in your family or-. Are you diabetic? That could be another risk factor for preeclampsia. You need to take care of yourself even in the beginning of pregnancy, Tara.”
I saw Tara’s face morph into confusion so I took that chance to get her to sit in one of the chairs around the island. I moved to get a bottle of water from the fridge but I saw there was a pitcher of juice. I frowned at it.