Chapter 3 Puny Creatures


It was night and the owl's hooting echoed throughout the entire forest. Feint echoes followed again and next was the ragged breathing of an injured lady on torn clothes.

She ran through the forest while she bled from her stomach, she held a beautifully embroidered wand in her hand, clutching it tightly against her chest.

She stepped on a broken branch and her leg tripped, falling in the process but she quickly got back up on her legs, there was a long Scar that ran across her thigh down to her knee, blood oozing out from him.

It was a new Scar from the fall.

She started limping in pain, heading to nowhere in particular, strangely, her wand was still on her hand.

She hadn't taken a few limps when she heard the twigs break and followed by a deep growl from five shadows which suddenly appeared.

She frightfully fell, landing on her butt with whimpers and fear.

"Leave me alone!"

She screamed and stretched the wands towards them, one of the mystic creatures appeared beside her and hit the wand away from her hand with his leg.

"That's a powerful wand Elena, your spells won't work on us..."

The mystic creature said and grabbed Elena, hoisting her on his shoulder with his right strong hand wrapped on her back.

"Lord Vergo would be too happy to have you for the night, little witch..."

The man said and turned towards his four other friends, rather monsters... Their yellow eyes looked menacingly at the captured Elena and they broke into a monstrous grin.

"Yes... Lord Vergo would gladly reward us for capturing his bride..."

One replied but an unfamiliar scent filled the air and they noticed it, looking behind them.

"I also would be too sad to watch you capture a weak lady... (Yawns) can't believe you guys stopped my training with your arrogant attitude..."

There, a twenty one year old boy, putting on a hood, covering half of his with a tired look, stood while he had his back rested on a tree.

"I smell no mystic power on you... You can't possibly be from the outward... Human..."

One of the creatures said.

"Nay... What can be more frustrating than to be called human when you are from a Werewolf clan but with no change yet... And I hate being called that..."

The joy replied, undeterred by their monstrous face.

The creatures eyed themselves, the man with the lady nodded and one of the creatures appeared before the human boy and slashed his throat.

At the last minute, the boy held the creature's hand in his and held it at bay, and there his hood fell off, revealing his green hair and green eyes...

The creature swooped his other hand at the boy's face but the boy held it again with his other hand, the creature struggled to overpower the human with inhuman strength but he couldn't.

Impossible... How could a human be so strong?

"You know... Hard Work beats talent at rare times..."

The boy started and threw the creature away from him effortlessly.

The rest of the creatures growled at the human who appeared to be surprisingly strong.

"Who are you?"

The man with the girl asked and the boy grinned.

"Be glad you guys ain't vampires, I would have killed you, so I'm giving you the last chance to drop her and leave.."

The boy said and they broke into laughter, more like a mockery.

"You might be weirdly strong without any powers but you can't even last against us..."

The creatures, excluding the man with the girl, charged at the boy but the latter sighed and removed his hood completely from his body, revealing a huge silver sword hanging beside his waist.

At the last moment they came for him, he pulled out the sword and in a flash, he cut through the three creatures in a second. They fell dead and their body disintegrated into dust.

Impossible... It can't be.

The man seeing how easily his men were killed dropped the lady in fear.

"You asked about who I am, right? Just call me the Silver slayer... I would have let you be if only you hadn't challenged me at first"

The green haired boy stated and in a flash, the head of the creature was found rolling on the floor.

"Puny little creatures..."

He said and disappeared into the forest.