Back at the battle ground where the battle was raging, the wendigo armies were dwindling faster before the volcanic anger of the Appolyon little men.
Suddenly, the wendigoes moved back like they had seen something that made them afraid, well not from the Appolyon army.
A ferocious roar that made the earth tremble broke through the rank that halted everyone.
Soon, a three headed giant lion thrice the size of a regular one. It's mane seemed float while it's muscled claws dug deeper into the ground.
Badger, that was the name of this beastly creature. It charged across the field at General Michel who stood battle ready to rip apart the creature but as the creature neared, something mysterious happened, he suddenly felt weak while his powers were gone and at the last moment with all efforts, he spinned sideways to dodge the claw of the beast.
"Do not let it near you!!! It can absorb your energy!"
He screamed at his men and they quickly carried the general away from the lion.