“ Luna Beatrix, play with me. This is an order, the order bestowed upon the power of the crescent and crown.”
“ Luna Beatrix, play with me. This is an order, the order bestowed upon the power of the crescent and crown.”
“ Luna Beatrix, play with me. This is an order, the order bestowed upon the power of the crescent and crown.”
Three days, it’s been three days and Alpha Dominic’s command is still playing like a cricket right into my mind. After he gave me the order, I only laughed and drive away from him as far as possible. It made me anxious, made me trembles that I just come hand in hand to the person that I admired the most.
The King of all Alpha’s, the one who killed the greatest rogue and the one who saved the population of werewolves. He made a great sacrifice when I was young but how come that he’s just much older than am I.
“Are you having a hard time with your mission?” Pup asked after he assumed the seat in front of me. I am in the garden, in front of our family lake to be exact. His gray hair is showing but even though he looks a bit old, he’s still strong and his judgment is correct, always correct.
I sighed and throw the pebbles into the lake creating a sound. “ Pup, do you know about the King of all Alpha’s?”
His mouth hangs open to my random questions before he relaxed his position and laughed. “ The kid? Haha. Of course! He’s a legend,” he said, admiring the person behind that name.
“Can you tell me about him?”
“ You didn’t listen to your class, hija?” he asked which makes me only laugh. Pup always assumes that I am not into studying since I was a child, I possessed a great desire to become a warrior.
He shook his head before he started talking. “ No one knows about him, you’re just five when he became a legend.”
“ That young?” I told him and he nodded.
“ Rumors are told that he’s old, or he’s an alpha while some said that he’s just a kid. But nevertheless, until now, he was just a legend. A rogue possessed intelligence and strength that became a threat to the race of werewolves. No one can defeat his power and his intelligence, until one night… the legend killed the rouge. He beheaded him and offer his head in front of the cathedral,”
“ The cathedral?!”
I was beyond shocked.
“ Yes, cathedral. The old cathedral in the forest where your ….uhmm,” Pup cannot find the right words but I know what he’s trying to say.
“ Where we found them,” I said in a low voice, remembering the past events. Pup nodded and caress my hair as if he was comforting me
He also throws the pebbles that he’s playing with before the wind whistles because of the impact. “ After that, he was known to every part of our community. He saved us all from becoming extinct and letting the rogues have the power over this world. He freed us but after the dawn, he just disappears and only the witnesses can describe what he did,” Pup sighs after talking.
“ Do you think he’s real?”
Of course, Beatrix! He’s real and he’s just given you command but then, I remembered that I only know him because of the myths from the past.
“ He is. His insignia is shown whenever there is an attack that will eliminate the werewolf's clan. It’s like he’s still helping and saving us, but he’s just silent. Silent to the point that young wolves assume that he wasn’t real.”
His words made me shut my mouth. I am one of those young wolves who questions his existence not until I saw his famous lighter.
“ You know, many decided to be his copycat but they all ended up as dead. It’s like the King of all Alpha’s find it as a form of disrespect.”
Now, I am more than curious. “ Is there any way to know, if he’s the real legend or not?”
Pup laughed at my question before looking at me, puzzled. He grins when he remembers something.
“Lighter, his famous lighter, and his insignia that is embedded on it. It was the only way, Beatrix.”
“ What does it look like? The lighter, I mean.”
Pup closed his eyes for a moment, I can only assume that he’s trying to figure out—wait. Don’t tell me!?
“ Did you saw the lighter?!” I asked shocked. There is no way--- then I remembered that he wasn’t just a simple Alpha. He’s the head of the most powerful family of werewolves.
He laughed and pinched my nose. “ I did. Once upon a time, I needed to do something for this family that only he, the King of all Alpha’s can do.”
“ A very interesting insignia, I must say. After the night that I saw it, I cannot help myself but to look for it but I failed to the point that I stop my obsession and just let time unravel itself,” he said as if he’s having a time walking into the memory lane.
Earlier, I was just wondering if what kind of play did Alpha Dominic meant or how can I make him submit but right now, because of the pup’s story my thoughts are all messed up. I am curious about all of the things and my curiosity centers on the real identity of Alpha Dominic.
He’s fast and strong, I cannot deny that. In my training, I had a combat with Alpha Silas and my pup to challenge their strength but this is the first time that I found someone incredibly amazing. His movements are in union with the wind. With only his hands, he can punch with the strength five times of the normal Alpha.
The wind blows and it sways my long red hair. Pup wasn’t happy about the color that I chose but this is how I want it. Red means strong and brave, something that I needed to survive in this cruel life.
“Tell me. Why are you suddenly curious?”
“ Uhm... errrr…”
My mouth cannot utter the right words to answer his question. I never lied to him, not even once because I respect him. When they died, he cared for us and made us his child. I don’t want to lie to him, I can’t lie to my pup.
Smiling, I shook my head before I lean my head into his shoulder. “ Nothing, Pup. Just curious,” I said before I look up into the sky and wonder if what tomorrow will bring and what should be my decision.